ZHA: Devices going offline after a few hours (ZigStar + Namron dimmers)


I have a new house with 30+ Namron dimming devices installed (model 1402767) - spread out across two floors. Also 2 x Schneider dimmers (model NHROTARY/DIMMER/1)

Everything is connected OK for a while, before devices go offline after a few hours. Devices closest to coordinator seems to work the best.

Some info:

  • Core: 2024.7.1
  • Supervisor: 2024.06.2
  • Operating System: 12.4
  • Frontend: 20240705.0
  • Running on channel 25. Same problems when running on 15 previously.
  • 2.4 WIFI running on channel 1
  • ZigStar USB Stick - flashed a few days ago - connected via USB cable to HP laptop running HAOS
  • Reconfiguring devices usually fails
  • When re-pairing a device - then suddenly another device is sometimes detected and re-paired (or reconfigured)
  • Experiencd the same issues when running z2m as well


Does the map belov look healty to you guys? :neutral_face:

What can it be and how should proceed investigating this further?
Is it interference from WIFI? Bad routers (Namron)? Bad ZigStar USB stick?

Update: I added 2 x IKEA TRETAKT and 1 x IKEA TRADFRI power plugs - placed at strategic points. This seems to make a big difference. A lot of devices are now connected to/through these devices.

Still haven’t re-paired all the namron dimmers, but all 10 test devices have stayed online without any issues for 12 hours now. Looks promising.

I suspect the Namron dimmers have suboptimal radio capabilities - and it probably doesn’t help that they are located deep inside walls either.

Hi Njål, I too have Namron in-wall dimmers, not as many as you but I have a lot of other routers as well (bulbs, plugs). 42 mains connected devices (including 5 Namron dimmers) and they have been quite solid here for 2,5 years. Mine are connected through Z2M. I’ve been having some Zigbee issues the latest months but that seems to be related to my ELKO thermostats which now have been moved over to another network and finally it seems that things are stable again. More routers could be a solution to your issues. You could order some online, test them out and if they don’t help return them on the “open buy policy” (I am assuming you are Norwegian).

Yeah sounds like you need to add even more Zigbee Router devices and place them in better places, preferably get a few ”known good” or ”known great” dedicated Zigbee Router devices too. Read and try following all best practice tips here: