ZHA - IKEA four button remote (Styrbar) for lights (E2001, E2002)

No worries. I modified transition variable in the blueprint to implement wanted behavior. Thanks for sharing once again.

Thanks, good blueprint. But I had a problem with my Eglo light. Turn off didn’t work. It set the light to 1% and “turn off” as for automation, nut in fact it was 1% light. Had to change the code above to

  - conditions:
      - "{{ command == 'off' }}"
      - "{{ cluster_id == 6 }}"
      - "{{ endpoint_id == 1 }}"
      - service: light.turn_off
        target: !input "light"

Seems from version 01/2024 it stopped working or can this be a firmware update ?

Ikea Styrbar 1.0.024 > 2.4.5

Cannot confirm that it’s not working. The firmware for my remote shows to be the most current one (0x02040005). Have you tried re-pairing?

Yes I have, multiple times. Connects and then it stops working
ScreenHunter 4477

I don’t want to sound rude but if you have not done so you might wanna try with a different battery. Due to the remote being unavailable this does not seem to have anything to do with this blueprint but is rather a general connection issue.

Did you manage to control colour with left and right? I have the same requirement. Just can’t work out how to do it with my limited knowledge.

I’m trying to get the left and right buttons to control colour temp. Sorry for the noob question. Where do I stick your yaml code? Is it the blueprint?

No. HA automations are just too complicated for me. My dream would be Apple-like UX but open source.
Anyways, I’m using this blueprint (Controller - IKEA E2001/E2002 STYRBAR Remote control | Awesome HA Blueprints) but it does not work well for color changing. In the end I don’t really have a need for manual color changing from the switch as I mostly rely on Adaptive lightning for automated color changing.

I haven’t cracked how to get a smooth transition with long presses, but I’m using the following scripts to use the single left/right presses to change the color temperature of my IKEA lights

(Make sure to change the entity names / max / min / step values to what makes sense in your case)

Script for the left button:

service: light.turn_on
  entity_id: light.silicon_labs_ezsp_hall_lights_group
  color_temp_kelvin: >-
    {% set suggested =
    | default( 0, True) | int - 250 %} {% if suggested > 2250 %} {{ suggested }}
    {% else %} 2250 {% endif %}
  transition: 0.5

For the right button:

service: light.turn_on
  entity_id: light.silicon_labs_ezsp_hall_lights_group
  color_temp_kelvin: >-
    {% set suggested =
    | default( 0, True) | int + 250 %} {% if suggested < 4000 %} {{ suggested }}
    {% else %} 4000 {% endif %}
  transition: 0.5