ZHA - Philips Hue v2 Smart Dimmer Switch and Remote - RWL022

hey, do you guys have any trouble connecting the dimmer to HA ? I can’t make it work, everytime I pair it I can run the blueprint once or twice and then the dimmer disconnects and blinks orange or red. Battery is full, and I just switched from a dimmer v1 that worked perfectly, any advice ?

Seems to be working fine with SkyConnect and ZHA. Thanks for the blueprint.
May I ask is there a easy way to change percentage of brightness increase/decrease?

Did this blueprint stop working for anybody else lately? seems like something was changed in zha yet again?

Have tried repairing a couple of times, but it’s not working anymore… (the pairing works, but the blueprint actions don’t)

Ok, so for some reason since the update to 2023.12.03 makes the automation based on this blueprint trigger 3 times per button press.

Since the automation is set to mode: single, according to trace, it just stops running because only one instance is allowed to run, making it break completely. I don’t really understand the reason for this, but setting the mode in the blueprint to parallel seems to mostly fix it.

EDIT: Stopped working again.

I’m not using this device anymore so I can’t do any testing. If anyone else wants to contribute some changes I am happy to update my template.

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how can i pait it with ZHA? there is no device showing up although i reseted the device… any hints?

Thank you so much!!

I have a (n00b, sorry) question though. When connected to a Hue bridge I always used the “Hue” button to scroll through different scenes. So if you pressed once you get scene 1, press again scene 2 etc.

Also, I used the up and down buttons to dim the light. I’m sure I have to edit the Up Hold and Down hold for that but I’m not exactly sure how.

How do I set this up in HA and this blueprint?

How did you add brightness feature ?

is it possible to specify the trigger more? Like in lines 111-118 in this gist ZHA - Hue Dimmer Fully Configurable.yaml · GitHub?

Because now it triggers on every ZHA event and would be a bit easier on the HomeAssistant when you have a lot of ZigBee devices.