ZHA Thermostat

Yeah they’re pretty but, as usual, you’ve got pay for pretty with a bit of crazy. Small price though for a device that is not cloud dependent.

Does anyone know how to send outside temperature to zigbee thermostat via zha.
I’ve found the following service: zha.issue_zigbee_cluster_command but I can’t find any doc on what are the arg to pass with the command.

What exactly do you mean by outside temperature? Are you asking how to send a command to change a setpoint of a zha thermostat?

If so, I simply use the climate.set_temperature service. Every now and then it fails to go through, but for the most part it works as expected.

On my thermostat display I can see room temperature and setpoint temperature. But it is also possible to display the outside temperature in place of the setpoint temperature. This is a lot better as I can see the room temperature and the outside temperature on each thermostat.
For setpoint temperature change it is easy to change it via the climate.set_temperature service but I want to send outside temperature once per hour or more frequently if possible. So I need something like climate.set_outside_temperature service if something like that exist.
In some documentation I’ve found they are talking about zha.issue_zigbee_cluster_command but I don’t know how to use this. Need more RTFM
I also have non zigbee thermostat that I can send the outside temperature via a python command but I don’t know how to set that in an automation. What service to call ??

Oh man yeah I have no idea. I don’t have that functionality.

I know that SmartThings is implementing this feature for the Sinope ones.
Maybe worth to check the code of this integration

Suggest that you submit a patch or a new seoerate feature request for that function :slight_smile:

Hello everybody,

I have an ecozy thermostat and despairing with the configuration. I was able to pair it vie zigbee to deconz and it appears in home assistant. I can set the desired temperature without problem, but it will not start to heat. The havac_mode is still ‘off’ and I have no idea how to change that. I tried almost every sensible message I could think of. I am trying to accomplish that in Node-Red, but the home assistant thermostat card isnt working either.
In Node-Red I get the error "Call-service API error. Error Message: extra keys not allowed @ data['hvacMode']" Where ‘havacMode’ ist the first part of the text I write in the data field. And the home assistant thermostat card leads to the error Error while calling the service climate/set_hvac_mode. /sensor/13/config/mode parameter, mode, not available (my translation from german).

Can anybody please tell me how to change the havo_mode so the thermostat will heat?

Here a screenshot from tho Node-Red node.

I have a centralite pearl thermostat. Everything works but for one thing. Homeassistant is not able to display the current temperature and is stuck at the temperature when homeassistant last restarted.

Setting it to heat/cool works, and even then the current temperature does not update in homeassistant. Did anyone face similar issues?

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I believe I had that issue early on, unpair, remove from ZHA, and repair

I have a Centralite HA 3156105 thermostat. Sometimes when I restart (ie after an update), it shows temperature and mode with power toggle, but I can’t set temperature or mode. It doesn’t seem to retain the capabilities of the thermostat.

HA allows me to see history of temperature and mode, but also states device became unavailable after restarting the service (despite still providing temperature updates and updating the clock on the thermostat). This happens about 50% of the time I restart the service or pi. Doing a re-pair usually works, but not a good solution.


I have the same issue with my Zen thermostats. They will usually come back if I go to the integrations page and reload the automation. Sometimes I have to do this more than once but it works. Something is clearly going on but reload is better than a entire restart.

@Phillip_Sperry, thanks for the feedback. Are you seeing this even on the latest version? It’s gotten much better for me the last 4 releases or so with the HA thermostat.

Hmmm. I went off the custom component a while ago when the code was merged (I think). Is there a new custom component? If not, I am on the latest version of HA and it is rare for both my thermostats to come up completely after reboot. Restarting the integration usually does the trick after one or two tries.

Hi Phillip. Sorry for awakening an old thread.
I also have a Zen thermostat and encounter the same problem with commands not being registered by the unit - usually it’s an ‘off’ instruction at night.

Could you elaborate how you “double check to make sure the thermostat actually accepted the change”? As far as I can tell, it takes between 0 and 10 minutes for HA to realise that the state didn’t actually change on the thermostat and update it’s internal state. I don’t know how to force polling/querying of the device for the current state.

You can see below that I’ve been repeatedly sending off instructions that didn’t stick.

Turned off by Rick 21:24:27 - 8 seconds ago
Changed to Heat    21:19:35 - 5 minutes ago
Turned off by Rick 21:16:57 - 8 minutes ago
Changed to Heat    21:09:36 - 15 minutes ago
Turned off by Rick 21:09:05 - 15 minutes ago
Changed to Heat    20:29:20 - 55 minutes ago
Turned off by Rick 20:21:11 - 63 minutes ago

Any and all help is appreciated!

Hi Rick. Happy to help where I can. By what you describe, I think you might have two issues. One being the typical issues Zen tends to have, The other is I suspect you may have general weirdness with your zigby connection. If you have a good connection, the Zen should respond (or not respond) right away and should be otherwise poll-able. The fact that it can take as much as 10 minutes for a command to revert suggests to me that zigby is part of the issue. I don’t have a lot of zigby products so my mesh isn’t very robust. I have had success putting a Sonoff zigby device midway between my hub and zen as a repeater.

Once that is sorted out, we are back to dealing with Zen’s flakiness. I will give a quick overview and hopefully it will be enough to get you started.

1.Helpers: I need a variable in HA that can the final authority on what the thermostat should be set to. Variables used to be called variables but now they’re called Helpers. I set up three: Heat temp, Cool, temp, and Mode.
2. Script: Once you have the variables set, you can use a script to check the to make certain the thermostat setting and the variable match. Mine looks like this:

{{ state_attr('climate.thermostat_east', 'temperature')|float==states('input_select.thermostat_east_cool_setting')|float }}

I use Node-Red so there may be some slight syntax change needed to used this in HA, but it should return true or false when you run it.

3.Automate: Once you have the script set up, you can call it to check if your setting “took”. But when you automate, you need to change the helper setting, not the setting on the thermostat widget in HA. Then you can write an automation that goes through a process of setting the thermostat and checking it and retrying until the setting finally sticks. This is what my flow looks like in Node-Red. If you don’t use NR, it should illustrate how the sequence works.

I hope this helps. I hate writing so I probably left something out. Feel free to reply with any questions.

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Bonjour M. Gelinas,

J’aimerais savoir si vous avez trouvé le moyen de pousser la température extérieure à votre thermostat. J’ai acheté une dizaine de thermostat Zigbee Sinope TH1123 et j’aimerais bien pouvoir envoyer la température extérieure sur ceux-ci. Je sais qu’il existe un moyen avec zigbee2mqtt mais pour différentes raisons, j’ai choisi ZHA. Merci de votre aide.

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Solution available here to push ext temp via zha to your Sinope: Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats - #682 by EtienneMD

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Hi Phillip,
I hadn’t replied or acknowledged your post - so I just wanted to say thanks, and I really appreciate the detail you’ve put in.
I (still) haven’t put the time in to testing out your strategy, and now that it’s summer here, it hasn’t been a problem for a few months as I only use the zen for our central gas heating.

I do have NR installed, and had a friend walk me through some of his flows a few months ago, so I think I’ve got what I need to have a shot.

I’ve also half-heartedly looked for info or guidance on whether zigbee2mqtt, zha or deconz (mine) differ in network reliability - or ability to issue a state query to a device (and know whether a response was received or not). Clearly if that’s possible it’s certainly going to help me out.

And the (assumed) high effort involved in converting my zigbee network over from deconz to, say, zb2mqtt has put me off trying. Similarly, I have the mqtt addon installed, but nothing set up. :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much. All my Sinope display temp from my external sensor. :slight_smile: