Zigbee channel utilisation

Noticed this by chance in the logs ( no issues I’m aware of )
My question is if I move my zigbee usb stick how do I measure utilisation so I can see improvement?

Thanks in advance

Been reading up on this and get the impression if it ain’t broken ( contrary to warning ) then leave it ….

Please consider posting a link to it so others can read it as well. Thanks.

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You can help avoid these issues if you disable entities that cause a lot of chatter on the network. A good example is power usage, it is constantly sending updates. While knowing the wattage is good, you often don’t also need the voltage or current or whatever other entities were exposed by the device. I generally turn off all entities that I don’t actively use or need to cut down on chatter both in Z-Wave and Zigbee.

Also, many (perhaps most) Z-Wave devices allow you to configure how often it will report these chatterboxes. At least on mine I can determine the threshold to report it as well as intervals, this too can help cut down on useless chatter. If you don’t really need to know the precise wattage in use at any given time, set the threshold in the Z-Wave settings to something like 5 or 10W and an interval of 300 seconds (5 minutes) and this will help with utilization.

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I found this thread useful