ZigBee connection to Itron smart energy meter (AMI7)

Recently had my main electricity meter replaced after getting solar installed. I have used RTLAMR (https://github.com/bemasher/rtlamr) to pickup my meter signals but when I was looking around for info on this new meter I found that it also has a ZigBee radio. RTLAMR works to get the consumption from the meter but I can’t pickup a signal for the production when the solar is overproducing and we are pushing energy back to the grid. I am hoping the ZigBee connection might provide info for the production and consumption.

I have tried contacting my utility (Xcel Energy) to see if I can access the meter directly with a ZigBee gateway but I have not been able to get anyone to respond. Wondering if anyone here has had any luck with connecting to these types of meters through ZigBee? Is there a specific type of gateway I need (premade or DIY)? How can I connect to it assuming the ZigBee radio is enabled?

Here is a pic of my meter.

I’ll give this a bump. Also interested in how to pull in info from this meter.

I have this meter. My utility company says that they will allow pairing with an EMU-2 from Rainforest. The EMU2 is a ZigBee device, but it uses a special Smart Energy Profile, not the usual protocol, and is an end device, not a coordinator, from my readings.

There is a HA integration for the EMU2. Bit the device seems to be suffering from the current chip shortage, so is unavailable.

I would guess that it would be possible to flash a ZigBee router like Sonoff’s with this protocol, but someone would have to write it.That would be great for the DIY community, since multiple kinds of appliances and meters could be locally integrated.

Would you mind explaining some details on how you got RTLAMR to work with it? How frequent were you getting messages, and what protocol was it using (scm, scm+, something else)?

Also interested in how you got anything from this meter - I’m not seeing anything from mine using RTLAMR, and wonder if its only transmitting zigbee data. I’m picking up my R900 water meter from a few feet away from the Itron Smart Meter, so I know my receive range is adequate.

I am just heading down the path of RTLAMR. I have been able to get my gas and water meters, but am not able to find anything for the same meter pictured here. From what I have read this specific meter is not compatible. I know this is an old thread and is inactive, but any info about how to get the readings through RTLAMR would be awesome.

@MacGyver33 Were you able to figure out how to get access to the ZigBee connection?

No an unfortunately my utility swapped out to new meters again. My new meters are Itron Gen 5 Riva which do have Wi-Fi but it’s been a process to get them connected through my utility (Xcel). These new meters no longer work with RTLAMR since they don’t broadcast readings but there is another thread here on connecting them to HA if your utility is Xcel Energy: Xcel Energy ITron Gen 5 Riva

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