Zigbee devices become unavailable with SkyConnect zha

I’ve setup my whole house with home assistant with skyconnect and the zha integration (zigbee2mqtt didn’t work :frowning: )

But now I notice that devices become unavailable, even non battery ones, light the Aqara lightstrips. Yesterday one and after repairing there is now another unavailable.
Also aqara/xiaomi occupancy, temperature and doorsensors are unavailable. And become unavailable after repairing.

How can I fix this? I have 50 zigbee devices, and 18 of them are routers throughout the house, which should cover the network.
What logs can I provide for diagnostics?

Start by reading this:

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I’ve read that, as I am not new to Zigbee. But as it turns out it’s the usb ports. I’ve moved the SkyConnect even further away.
I am kind of chocked how much usb interferes with my SkyConnect. I’ve never had this on my Homey. I hope everything is fixed now!

We’re some time further. Still got problems, very specific:

  • I have extended the distance from my SkyConnect even further: 1 meter away from usb ports.
  • Wifi is dedicated on channel 1.
  • ZHA is dedicated on channel 25.
  • There 27 routers and 23 end point devices.

My Aqara LED strip, my aqara T1 (no neutral) and a tuya temperature, an aqara temperature and an aqara door sensor is falling out from the network.

I shut down my HA-server for 45 minutes and powered it back on the rebuild the Zigbee network. The unavailable Aqara T1 (no neutral) who was unavailable was back available, but later that day it was unavailable again.

I dont have a clue what is going on and why routers (!) are falling from the network?! What is there left to do to get a stable network?

You now probably just need to add more “known good” or “known great” Zigbee Router devices and place to in strategic places to optimize reception for better coverage to troublesome devices. Try reading my guide again follow ALL the tips in the guide → Zigbee networks: how to guide for avoiding interference + optimize using Zigbee Router devices (repeaters/extenders) to get a stable mesh network with best possible range and coverage

That includes making sure to newer power-off any Zigbee Router devices (as all Zigbee Router devices should always have power to always be online and available), because if you ever cut power to a Zigbee Router device then all devices connected to it will take time before they switch to a other Zigbee Router, and worse, Aqara (and Xiaomi) devices are known have buggy firmware that never switch to a other Zigbee Router unless you manually re-pair them.

FYI, power to devices with “no neutral” are known to not be reliable, that is why all no-neutral products are always Zigbee End Devices (same as battery-powered devices) and why no-neutral products are never Zigbee Router devices (which should only ever be mains-powered Zigbee devices with neutral connected).

Also, again be aware that Aqara (and Xiaomi) devices are infamously known for having connection issues, and most importantly they are especially infamously known for both being fussy about which brands of Zigbee Router devices they work well with as well as requiring to having to be factory-reset and manually re-paired/re-/joined again if if you add additional Zigbee Router devices to your Zigbee network or else they will never connect to that newly added Zigbee Router even though it might be much closer and offer better connection.

Hubitat has a good community article on that with more detailed tips → Xiaomi & Aqara Devices - Pairing & Keeping them connected - Devices - Hubitat

ZHA docs also have some of those tips summerized here → https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/zha#best-practices-to-avoid-pairingconnection-difficulties

Regardless, suggest also read my reply in this other thread as poster there asked almost same questions: