Zigbee devices with poor LQI, not finding better routes that I am certain exist

I am currently using this antenna:

It has a better gain than the original Sonoff antenna but not as high as another omnidirectional antenna I tested. The actual reason I chose this one is not gain but lobe… it tends to have a higher gain in the direction it is pointing and a significantly lower gain in the opposite direction. Given my coordinator is in the non ideal side-of-the-house location, I figured it might help attenuate wifi interference (wifi ch9) from my neighbor (low gain side of antenna facing their house) and increase coverage in my house. While it is hard to say whether I achieved my goal, it does seem to help. Regardless, I still get high channel usage warning messages (never know if it is referring to traffic or rf usage) and relatively frequent devices having issues.

That’s actually a great lobe diagram. I wish more antennas were sold with those. Will it fit the Sonoff? Mine is at one end of the house and that would definitely be better

Yup, fits perfectly.

Great, thanks. I can never work out SMA, RP-SMA etc etc!

How did you get this graph? This is great for at a glance…

Iv’e got the same issue. I’ve got a device (Power92) which is close to a number of other power meters with router functionality and also which have good connections to the coordinator but the LQI on my Power92 device is really bad (8-10). I’d have thought that the zigbee protocol would route packets through other routers?

Coordinator: Sonoff Zigbee Dongle-P running the latest coordinator firmware: 20240710

Here’s a screenshot of my zigbee map showing Power92 with poor LQI and other nearby devices with excellent links back to the coordinator: