Zigbee Doorchime - anyone?

Hi All!
Thanks alot for all your valuable inputs.

I do buy into the fact that one shouldn’t be “locked” on a special technology - eg. Zigbee.
I have allready ordered a z-wave controller - and i am also all ears to esphome technology - as well as bluetooth. I like the fact that its best of bread - and not best of suite.

But - i also live in a house with a wife - and 2 kids - and sometimes convenience is just the top priority. :slight_smile:

Right now my focus is on building an intuitive and intelligent “smart” alarm - with all the bells and whistles that i can put into it - but in the same time - making sure that is reliable and logic.

I dont have any “smart” speakers - so the TTS is not really an option. All my music is distributed to the different speakers - using Roon ( i am a bit of an audiophile ) - and the only option - as i know of right now - is to make roon play a playlist - which does not seem all that convenient. In the future - it might choose to go down that route.

As my outdoor alarm - which should be loud - i am thinking about doing a esphome project - because it could be fun.

Right now the aeotech bell is on it’s way - as well as a z-wave stick. Hopefully this will get my going.
at least when the ozw 1.6 is integrated into HA.

Next step is to decide on how to build a smart arm / disarm system - but for now the phones do the job just fine.

Again - thanks for all your inputs :slight_smile:


Hi All,

First of all a sorry for my late response, but I also thank you all for your replies. Let me try to explain the reason I am searching for a Zigbee chime. Perhaps it is just a lack of knowledge on my side, which definitely makes sense :slight_smile:

I have “my” solution for the doorbell-button. The sensor is compatible with the Conbee II. So I have a way to trigger. And it will trigger more than just a chime1. So a simple coco doorbell set is no solution, unless I buy a USB gateway to capture the CoCo or (in case of) MQTT signal like the Conbee does for Zigbee.

So, the preferred solution is to find a chime that is supported by Conbee. Second best is a HA-compatible chime that works on WiFi. I prefer Zigbee, because there is room for improvement on my WiFi network :wink:
If WiFi is no solution, I might need to extend the Pi with an extra gateway of any kind, or is there another solution besides Arduino creations.

It absolutely doesn’t have to be a battery powered chime, but I do prefer a relatively nice looking “out-of-the-box” solution. My HA Raspberry Pi is too far away to serve as a chime itself.

I hope this clarifies things. But because it seems like there is no HA-compatible Zigbee chime, I am all ears for a different solution. What would be a good HA-compatible WiFi chime that does not need an Internet connection?

  1. Stuff it will trigger depends on the circumstances. When I am in my home office, I want a chime in there to ring alongside the main chime. When it is dark, the lights in the hallway should turn on and when the TV is on a message will be displayed.
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I found your post because also I was looking for a way to make some sound when something happens. Luckily I found the way to use my google home and google hub devices, they act as media device. So I searched for some nice doorbell / chime mp3s , stored them in the /config/www folder and then I was able to send the mp3’s to the google devices from some action trigger.

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Thanks for your suggestion and it seems like a nice solution if you are willing to use Google-ish cloud solutions. The reason I have HA is because I don’t want that. Consider it professional deformation.
If I remember correctly, one can also use a Sonos “radio” to achieve the goal, but to buy one just for that purpose seems a bit odd :smiley:

I still prefer a simple zigbee chime or a complete Zigbee set that works with HA, without a camera and/or cloud requirements, for a reasonable price.

Never the less, thank you for taking the time to write a reply and welcome to the community!

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I understand your idea that you don’t want to use cloud stuff :wink:
Other solution could be to send the sound to your PI 3.5 mm jack output and connect a bluetooth transmitter that sends the sound to some bluetooth speaker that will then act as your buzzer.

Both more or less similar ideas that are worth digging into during the holidays, thanks!

@Xelanc, is it a jack to Bluetooth cable one can buy, or is it more like the cable @nickrout referenced too?

@xelanc was proposing a lead from the rpi’s audio out port to a convertor that takes an analogue audio in and outputs bluetooth audio so that a bluetooth speaker will play it.

My suggestion is an esp8266 that will receive an mqtt message on wifi and generate an analogue audio signal that will play on an audio system (where audio system ranges between a speaker at one end to your prize stereo at the other end.)

Zigbee chimes are not common, but once you have home assistant it doesn’t matter. A trigger on zigbee can result in an action on wifi, or zwave, or a text message, or your lights flashing or whatever. Just because you have a zigbee switch for a doorbell does not constrain how you get alerted to that doorbell.

Check, I indeed read your suggestion the other way around, plugged in the RPi.
It’s too bad that Bluetooth seems to be a tough nut to crack. The RPi’s have it on board for a while, but a BT-speaker is not yet natively supported in HA.

I’m not so into microchips, but maybe I should get into it :+1:

Something like this should be plug and play I guess? There are more of these if you search for ‘bluetooth transmitter’.

it still matters.
i ended up here because im also looking for a zigbee chime.
why do i want zigbee?

i got a max from 255 IP addresses and that is the ultimate max, most ikely my router will die before that.
and im already on over 150 devices.
i want the chime in at least 7 areas, so that would means 7 more IPs gone.
i could use 433 mhz with my active broadlinks, but activating the broadlink is relative slow.

i already use messages to alexa and tablets, but that also is relative slow, plus that i need to stop what is going on on those devices, set sound level high, then play the sound, set sound level back and start backup what it was doing.
that all is a drag.

with zigbee i can have hundreds of devices and sensors without trouble, and i got a strong network everywhere. i got the button, just still no good way to alert us when someone is at the door.

i know they are hard to find, but as you see it does matter for some of us.

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Back to the concept of a simple ZigBee chime, has anyone tried this?

It appears like it is only available from Control4, which means that it may be pricey. I have a request in for more information. The specs are confusing (temperature? batteries? external contacts?)

Sounds interesting. Looking at the specs, I think it’s also about the button at the door.

Anyway, I haven’t found a shop that sells them yet and am curious about the price, the answers to your questions and compatibility with HA.

i saw a price from 210 dollar somewhere.

Hello Guys, I’m looking for the same. Just a simple doorbell or chime, with the possibility to trigger different sounds from HA. Preferablly Zigbee/but Wifi will do it as well as long as it’s not a complex thing. Did anybody found something?

im still searching.
tried a smoke alarm that supposed to have several levels og loudness, but as a doorchime it was useless.

Get a noise making device, eg a buzzer.

Connect it to a zigbee chip, eg a cc2530.

Install ptvo firmware.

Hello hostrup,

I have the Conbee II in combination with a lot of Xiaomi sensors (like the door/window sensor). works great! well if you want to trigger a normal non smart device, like a normal doorbell, even that is possible, you could use a xiaomi t1 for a normal door ring for instance…

yeah, i understand thats possible, but i would prefer non DIY.

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@ReneTode: I know the problem, and it’s a suprisingly tedious journey. I have Wifi, a Conbee Stick and a RFXtrx433XL 433MHZ transceiver. I thought it should be easy to find a simple door chime which would connect to one of the many protocols I can support. I didn’t find anything. The most promising was one of the cheap doorbells which are listed in the RFXtrx documentation, but even if the model name matched, the protocol had changed.
I ended using a Google Nest Mini and casting a mp3.