Zigbee ESP Question

Hello all,
I’ve tried googling to see if there’s such a thing as a Zigbee type ESP and seem to keep coming up with the ESP32. I can see it is Wifi and has some Zigbee compatibility but nothing shows up (within my meagre comprehension) that states the ESP32 will work as a Zigbee device. I would rather use Zigbee than WiFi and I really want to grow my knowledge of HA and the ESP route appeals due to the cost and DIY nature of it all. Please can someone confirm if the ESP32 will operate as a Zigbee device if setup correctly, for example with zigbee2mqtt (is ESPHome an ESP alternative to this)?, or if there’s a better item I’m not aware of?

Sorry this is a dull question - I’m still starting out!

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The only ESP32 that has some Zigbee capability is the ESP32-C6, all others don’t.

There is no zigbee code in esphome anyway.

If you want to make diy zigbee stuff the best way is to use a cc2530 and this (unfortunately closed source) firmware ptvo.info.

Also, for ideas search here for diy Database of Zigbee devices compatible with ZHA, Tasmota, Zigbee2MQTT, deCONZ, ZiGate and ioBroker