Zigbee flowerpot and plant sensors for soil moisture + light + temperature + humidity (using Zigbee Gateway like the ZHA integration or Zigbee2MQTT)?

If the question was aimed at me, then no, my ones are not fully water proof. Splash resistant at best. In my use case they were meant for house plants (hence not passing the wife test haha). I would however say they would work in a greenhouse. I am not concerned about temperature, but rather the device getting wet.

@horussjr I did send you a private message a few days ago, seems like you overlooked it. Please check :wink:

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The items are all gone. I hope they will do good in their new homes.

Thank you @AndrejDelany and @p71 and i hope you will enjoy them.

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PLZ try HEX Plant-Watering-Sensor-Zigbee/PROJECT SOURCE at main · smartboxchannel/Plant-Watering-Sensor-Zigbee · GitHub

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Efekta PWS/MiniPWS ZHA compatible

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Update: Water Content Measurement clusters support for Soil Moisture (and Leaf Wetness) which was only available in HA Beta is set to come in Home Assistant 2021.12 to be released in less than a week:


@smartboxchannel Andrew, I’ve finally had a chance to test the new firmware. But unfortunately I still have the same issue: humidity and temperature reported varies wildly from one device to the next, so values seem quite unreliable.

Soil moisture values may differ on two sensors placed in the same flower pot, as soon as you stick them in the ground, wait a day until the soil around the sensors acquires the same structure. But as for the temperature data, there is a problem in measuring the internal temperature of the chip, the cc2530 has very conditional measurements of the internal temperature, I added this data simply because they could simply be obtained using a code. A new modification of the sensor with an external digital temperature and humidity sensor, as well as a digital light sensor, is already available.

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@smartboxchannel Any ideas about redesigning the board to make it physically smaller, i.e. less wide?

I believe it would raise the WAF (Wife Appeal Factor) a lot if could make “the head” of the board thinner.

As mentioned before, the Xiaomi Mi Flora is the major competition based solely on its slimmer design:

There’s is also this mini version Mini Plant Watering Sensor EFEKTA (Zigbee) from Efektalab on Tindie. Don’t know about actual measurements though.

Thanks for the update Andrew. I thought the temperature was being used to compensate the humidity values. I don’t mind that the temperature values are imprecise, but thought that explained the high variability of humidity values. Over the holidays I’ll have more time to test them and see if the values align better.


Anyone got the exact measurements in mm for the Xiaomi Mi Flora hardware board for comparision?

@smartboxchannel Do you have mm measurements for each? Maybe post it all on GitHub + Tindie?

@smartboxchannel: your plant sensors are exactly what I am looking for! I was astonished that something like this isn’t available yet from “mass production”. Any way, I ordered two sensors :slight_smile:

after reading the descriptions on tindie and reading the comments here I am not sure if I understand the differences correctly:
-does only the “max” measure temperature and light?
-what is the difference between “mini” and “normal”? Is it just the size?

here are the differences which I understood:

Mini Plant Watering Sensor EFEKTA (Zigbee) from Efektalab on Tindie
RF module EBYTE E18-MS1-PCB (CC2530).
CR2032 battery. (so ~ 235 mAh)

RF module EBYTE E18-MS1-PCB (CC2530).
Long runtime with one CR2450 (so ~ 620 mAh) battery, it is possible to work on a CR2577 battery (950mAh)

Plant Watering Sensor EFEKTA Max(Zigbee) from Efektalab on Tindie
RF module EBYTE E18-MS1-PCB (CC2530).
Light sensor BH1750FVI
Temperature and humidity sensor SHTC3
Long runtime with one CR2450 (so ~ 620 mAh) battery, it is possible to work on a CR2577 battery (950mAh)

I am limited to not providing a link to the “normal” one, as my account is new and only two links are allowed…


@smartboxchannel Is it possible to use an external antenna in some way? Am using vulcanizing tape to make them weatherproof but experience some drop out.

For those looking for a waterproof solution (although it’s a pity to ditch such a polished 3D printed case!), these old 35mm photo film canisters are a perfect fit for the CR2450 variant Efekta sensor from @smartboxchannel. I picked the film canisters up off Amazon, and used some flexible sealant for confidence, being cautious not to come near conductive circuitry. Haven’t checked the outdoor range yet, but I can’t imagine the canister would be much impediment. I chose not to go for a black canister since the intended location can sometimes catch direct sunlight and I wanted to avoid a severe roasting.

I think this is still workable for me (since I can just redefine what “too dry” is), however, I notice that the Efekta sensors report much higher soil humidity values than the MiFlora sensors I have. Do others have the same experience? Here are the values side by side right after a watering event. The sensors are right next to eachother and there was enough water to pool at both sensors for a time before absorbing completely into the soil.


Any ideas how to use it? mine shows 35C and 0% for a while, i use it with conbee and zha.

Yes same experience here. I seem to have around 35 % point difference. Efekta claiming to be more moist. However, which is more accurate I can’t tell for sure. Looks like Efekta is moving on a smaller area of difference than MiFlora.

At first, I thought MiFlora is giving more realistic values. Now looking at my values of a completely dry pot MiFlora says 3% and Efekta 39%. But when the humidity at home is 35-40% I can’t believe the soil could go down to 3% at any point. MiFlora seems to be at max 60% even after watering while Efekta is then close to 100%. Just speculating, maybe they report different value. What if Efekta tells the actual humidity and MiFlora on a range completely dry - plain water? :smiley:

It is a shame that apparently adjusting or calibrating the values is not too simple with HA. I think you need to do manual configuration.yaml configuration and create a new device and describe there how the values are corrected. I can’t tell the name of this feature now.