Zigbee flowerpot and plant sensors for soil moisture + light + temperature + humidity (using Zigbee Gateway like the ZHA integration or Zigbee2MQTT)?

I’ve built one sensor (got pcbs made) and it binds to zha but only reports battery and temperature. I don’t want to switch to z2m, so I guess I’m stuck for now.

Guessing from issue you posted to zha-device-handlers that you figured out will need new quirks for it:


FYI, Water Content Measurement clusters for Zigbee Soil Moisture and Leaf Wetness sensors were just added by @majkrzak to ZHA integration component in Home Assistant core dev branch two weeks ago so has not made it into a HA release as of yet, see:


That’s amazing news. I thought I would try to give the quirks a go myself, but it’s way above my level. I hadn’t even figured out that clusters needed to be implemented at the integration level. :smile:

To clarify so that there is no confustiuon; the above PR for “Add Water Content Measurement clusters” does not add any quirks for specific devices, it only adds support the missing device classes in ZHA. Once that is available in ZHA you may still sometimes need a custom quirk in “ZHA Device Handlers” for individual devices if they don’t follow the standard Zigbee Cluster Library specification, see https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/zha/#zha-exception-and-deviation-handling

Yup, I understood that. My point was that I was trying to understand how quirk files worked when the support for that cluster wasn’t even there yet.

I have built 20 of the DIYRUZ Flow for my wife. Based on the V3 including temperature sensor, 3D printed the frame case and added acrylic sheet to the front to protect the circuit from being touched. They are flashed with the most recent version at this time 2.1.0 and work perfectly fine with zigbee2mqtt

Unfortunately they have not passed the wife test (yeah… she prefers the 1 single miflora that she has, with terrible bluetooth range), so now I am kinda stuck with them. If anyone is interested in buying some pre-made ones, drop me a private message. I am based in the UK.

PS: just to clarify, i do not build them for profit, nor will I build any if asked. I just want to recoup some of the cost I had in building them. Of course if interested I can send pictures of them :slight_smile:

PPS: I do not mean to spam anyone or commercialise or hijack this thread whatsoever. It is only that this thread was a big starting point for me when i looked for alternatives to the miflora, and I guess there might be others out there trying to achieve the same. I would hate to have these devices stuck in a drawer forever, or to throw them in the bin, if someone else can make use of them

LE: items are not available anymore

This sounds interesting. Can it be used outside? (is it fully waterproof?)
At the moment i use (old) gardena stuff. But i am busy changing this to a sonoff with a 24v valve. And need a few moisture sensors

If the question was aimed at me, then no, my ones are not fully water proof. Splash resistant at best. In my use case they were meant for house plants (hence not passing the wife test haha). I would however say they would work in a greenhouse. I am not concerned about temperature, but rather the device getting wet.

@horussjr I did send you a private message a few days ago, seems like you overlooked it. Please check :wink:

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The items are all gone. I hope they will do good in their new homes.

Thank you @AndrejDelany and @p71 and i hope you will enjoy them.

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PLZ try HEX Plant-Watering-Sensor-Zigbee/PROJECT SOURCE at main · smartboxchannel/Plant-Watering-Sensor-Zigbee · GitHub

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Efekta PWS/MiniPWS ZHA compatible

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Update: Water Content Measurement clusters support for Soil Moisture (and Leaf Wetness) which was only available in HA Beta is set to come in Home Assistant 2021.12 to be released in less than a week:


@smartboxchannel Andrew, I’ve finally had a chance to test the new firmware. But unfortunately I still have the same issue: humidity and temperature reported varies wildly from one device to the next, so values seem quite unreliable.

Soil moisture values may differ on two sensors placed in the same flower pot, as soon as you stick them in the ground, wait a day until the soil around the sensors acquires the same structure. But as for the temperature data, there is a problem in measuring the internal temperature of the chip, the cc2530 has very conditional measurements of the internal temperature, I added this data simply because they could simply be obtained using a code. A new modification of the sensor with an external digital temperature and humidity sensor, as well as a digital light sensor, is already available.

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@smartboxchannel Any ideas about redesigning the board to make it physically smaller, i.e. less wide?

I believe it would raise the WAF (Wife Appeal Factor) a lot if could make “the head” of the board thinner.

As mentioned before, the Xiaomi Mi Flora is the major competition based solely on its slimmer design:

There’s is also this mini version Mini Plant Watering Sensor EFEKTA (Zigbee) from Efektalab on Tindie. Don’t know about actual measurements though.