Zigbee Green Power (Niko FOH)

I have a niko FOH device.
I am able to pair it in deconz, and it shows up as device. However once it’s registered, I am unable to make it fire off a new event. Anyone an idea?

Deconzz output
“config”: {
“on”: true
“ep”: 242,
“etag”: “c89018e86d736a60e5ad70dae961ad7d”,
“lastannounced”: null,
“lastseen”: “2023-09-29T07:31Z”,
“manufacturername”: “PhilipsFoH”,
“modelid”: “FOHSWITCH”,
“name”: “Friends of Hue Switch”,
“state”: {
“buttonevent”: 7002,
“lastupdated”: “2023-09-29T07:31:03.622”
“type”: “ZGPSwitch”,
“uniqueid”: “00:00:00:00:01:75:43:f2-f2”


It’s not because the switch shows up that it did work. You do have to press those buttons still.