Zigbee: it worked on my Raspi - but since switching to SSD no chance

Hello - I’m new around here. And the reason why I’m here is the following …

I had a working setup of a zigbee automation running Home Assistant on a Raspberry 3b booting from SD-Card connected to my local network through a wifi connection. For Zigbee I’m using a RasbBeeII module (RaspBee II Übersicht). This worked stable.

Now I changed my setup: my raspi is now booting up from SSD connected to USB (2.0!) - all else is the same. Well, ok, the Home Assistant installation is different: on SD-card I had HA running inside docker, on SSD I use the Raspberry Imager for a full fledge installation.

Problem is I don’t seem to be able to pair anything. Can it be a problem of intereference of USB or wifi? (but it worked with wifi before …).
Any thoughts?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Put your Zigbee dongle on the end of a long USB extension.

Well thanks - but unfortunately it is no dongle - it is a module mounted on the GPIO.

Ah, well it’s interference and the only solution is to move your Zigbee coordinator as far away as possible from the Rpi and SSD I’m afraid.

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Ok - also with USB 2.0? Somehwere I read there might be a problem with USB 3.0 - but not 2.0 …

Not sure - all I know is that both of my Zigbee coordinators are on extensions because the interference rendered them pretty much useless. Are you using ZHA or Z2M?

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Read and follow these best practice guides for Zigbee interference avoidance and setup optimization:

One of the main points there is that you really need to get any sources of EMF/EMI/RMI (electromagnetic interference) away from the Zigbee Coordinator radio adapter/module, and SSD harddrives and their USB cables are infamous for emitting EMF/EMI/RMI.

I would recommend that you at least buy a shielded drive enclosure as for the SSD harddrive as well as a long shielded USB extension cable for it. Though an easier and better solution is probably just to buy and migrate a new Zigbee Coordinator USB adapter and put it on a ong shielded USB extension cable to a USB 2.0 port (or best connect via a powered USB 2.0 hub as then you secure the power too).



Hi, I’m having the same problem. Did you solve this?

Update: 2m extension solved this issue