Zigbee Plugs w/ Energy Monitoring suggestions

Hi guys.
I have a number of xiaomi zigbee plugs. I havent quite yet gotten to the bottom of why, but a couple of them have issues with going offline, which takes the child devices offline with them.

Are there any better, more reliable options for a zigbee smart plug that has energy monitoring ?

FWIW, i am using zigbee2mqtt, and i am NOT using a CC2531 as a coordinator – ive already been down that rabbit hole!

Edit: Located in Australia

Blitzwolf BW-SHP13 or Blitzwolf BW-SHP15 if you live in the EU.

Try one of these and see how you go.


Thanks — looking better so far!

For those who are following along, i replaced the problem plugs with the above, re-paired a few devices that needed it, and my zigbee mesh has been ROCK SOLID since.


Good to hear my friend :+1:

I’m glad to see this but I’m trying to find some of these to buy, and turning up nothing. Where did you get them? (I’m in NZ, but some places in Aus will ship over here.)

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Hi guys,
I write here because I can’t find a good smart Zigbee 3.0 plug for my home assistant (Zigbee2MQTT) power monitoring.
I come from some Innr SP120 that are the best for me (no issue, precise power consumption etc…), but now Innr stopped production and moved to SP220 model that doesn’t have Power Metering.

Searching for a substitute I read about BlitzWolf BW-SHP13 and BlitzWolf BW-SHP15.
Reading more details on Zigbee2Mqtt device compatibility website, I decided to give a try to BW-SHP13.

I tested my new smart plug putting my refrigerator on it and to solve the “polling” power meter issue, I set to 1 the query interval.

Now I have a graph with a lot of 0 registered like this:

Previously, using Innr SP120 with the same refrigerator, I had something like this:
Never going down to 0 (or almost never).

I think that the BW-SHP13 is not so precise about power metering…

Therefore, where can I find a reliable and precise Zigbee 3.0 smart plug, possibly with the smallest form-factor like the Innr SP120 ?

I’m trying to use Bticino smart socket power meter on all places where I can, but in some places and for some appliances I can’t…

Any suggestion is very appeciated!
Thanks for your help.

PS: I’m in italy, therefore I need a shuko plug.

I hust found this new smart plug:

But it seems to be compatible only with ZHA and not Z2M.
Doesn’t anyone tryed with Z2M?