Zigbee range extender

Hello! Im new to Zigbee and Im having problem with range. Can I use this product to extend range? Range extender. It does not show as supported zigbee2mqtt devices, but does it need to be connected to my gateway? Or any other recommendations? Thanks.

Don’t buy this, it is know to black hole non-tuya devices if Zigbee traffic gets high.


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Where are you trying to extend to ? is it in doors , how far away is it from your coordinator.
What device do you have

Have you got a USB extension lead from your Pi/PC usb port to the coordinator ?
make sure your coordinator is near your wifi router

I guess you mean NOT near?!

@anderseddiejacobsen: I strongly advise you to read the info behind the link that @francisp posted.
It’s from one of our community members and has very useful information regarding zigbee.

Where in the world are you?

I have a couple of very good Tubes zigbee repeaters I’m practically giving away. https://community.home-assistant.io/t/australia-electrically-certified-hardware/32074/6066?u=tom_l

Just out of curiosity: with what did you replace them?

Lots and lots of Wiser dimmers and switches.

The routers were handy when I was starting out and had way more end devices than routing capable devices.

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There are a few tips about ”known good” and ”known great” dedicated Zigbee Router devices here → Zigbee networks: how to guide for avoiding interference + optimize using Zigbee Router devices (repeaters/extenders) to get a stable mesh network with best possible range and coverage

As stated above, whatever you do, do not buy that Tuya Zigbee USB Range Extender / USB Dongle Signal Repeater (Tuya SKU: “RP280” / Zigbee ID: “TS0207”, which is also sold under different names/brands and models), as it will cause problems unless you only use Tuya devices, see warnings from ZHA/zigpy devwlopers here → Tuya Zigbee USB Range Extender / USB Dongle Signal Repeater (Tuya SKU: "RP280" / Zigbee ID: "TS0207") · zigpy/zigpy · Discussion #736 · GitHub

Yes not near