I have just torn down my zigbee network and repaired each device due to instability.
After adding all mains powered devices, i added most of my end-devices like the dimmer in question.
Before i deleted all entities from my zigbee network, and reset, and repaired them. The dimmer knob worked like a charm. in the same spot.
Now I’m unable to get it to bind to the zigbee group.
I can see that the logbook of the device page i ZHA shows events as i use the device.
And i checked the debug log and saw that (as far as i can tell) the binding was successful:
As far as i can tell, yes, it seems to have added that quirk automatically.
Although, are the quirks mostly for interpenetrating what a devices cluster should map to in context of Home Assistant services, and such?
I don’t have a good grasp on quirk’s yet, so i may be mistaken.
My assumption regarding quirks is that they are there to help Home Assistant make sense of the command/events/capabilities of devices.
Based on that assumption, any quirk would probably not help me get the binding to work.
Although, if the quirks also help HA with sending commands like “bind to this group” then my assumption is invalid, and a custom quirk could solve my issue.
I’ll try to make sense of the one you shared, and see if it could help the binding process.
Thank you!
That gives me more stuff to try!
Not entirely sure what to make of the power cluster.
So far i simply tried running the zha_toolkit.binds_get, and verified that it is bound to group 0x..3, and removed it from all groups with zha_toolkit.binds_remove_all, so i could try to bind it again.
but no luck.
Compaing the results of zha_toolkit.binds_get, before and after removing all binds does show that i have less bindings. so probably some residual stuff from when i tried to bind directly to each device in the group.
I’ll have a closer look at the diff soon
Apparently you can be certain that your TS004F cluster is bound to the group so then this should result in the actions/commands being sent to the group.
You should also verify that the receivers are properly bound.
Finally, you can verify that you receive the commands on Home Assistant (with the proper log levels/by looking at the histrory for the TS004F device) and which commands you receive.
There is also the possibility that the receiving devices do not react to the commands sent by the TS004F.