Zigbee2mqtt add-on: path to place ssl certificates

Anyone knows what is the absolute path to place the certificates for the Zigbee2mqtt add-on on a Home AssistantOS Docker install? The docs says

ca: '/etc/ssl/mqtt-ca.crt'
key: '/etc/ssl/mqtt-client.key'
cert: '/etc/ssl/mqtt-client.crt'

but I think it is for a standalone zigbee2mqtt install

I have tried


I figured it out. The addon documenation says the config and share can be used.

  1. An additional top-level data-path option is required. Set this to the path where you would like the add-on to persist data. Defaults to /share/zigbee2mqtt. Note that both config and share directories are mapped into the container (read-write) and are available to you.

I opt to use the config folder and create a hidden .ssh folder and place the certs in there. Make sure to ignore this folder if you upload your config files to Github.

My zigbee2mqtt config looks like this.

  base_topic: zigbee2mqtt
  server: mqtt://homeassistant:8883
  ca: /config/.ssh/mqtt-ca.crt
  key: /config/.ssh/mqtt-client.key
  cert: /config/.ssh/mqtt-client.crt
  user: some_user
  password: some_password

Here are some updated news I have discovered.

Zibgbee2mqtt add-on throws a warning about using a local ip address to connect to MQTT Broker. Use the hostname of HA instead. It’s name can be found here.

To create self signed server and client certificates for the MQTT Broker you can follow this guide.