Zigbee2mqtt stopped working after enabling multi protocol on sky connect


My Zigbee2mqtt stopped working after enabling multi protocol on sky connect.

I enabled it because I have 2 thread devices which I was going to trial.

Fortunately I hade a Conbee 2 stick spare which got everything working again.

Can I reset the sky connect to disable multi protocol

Thank you

Since you have some Thread devices as well as Zigbee…You’ve got some choices:

  1. Zigbee2MQTT and Thread, both using SiLabs Multiprotocol AddOn and SkyConnect. I have this setup on an HA instance I use for experimenting with. It works, but one drawback is that after the multiprotocol AddOn gets restarted, I have to restart Zigbee2MQTT a few times to get it working. Because of this, at the moment, I would not use this setup on a production HA system.
  2. Zigbee2MQTT using Conbee 2. Thread using SiLabs Multiprotocol AddOn and SkyConnect
    This is the choice I would recommend for you.
  3. Zigbee2MQTT using Conbee 2, Thread using OTBR AddOn and SkyConnect. I don’t have any experience with this setup, and I’m not sure that this setup gets as much development attention as #2.
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Thank you Tommy. I will try this.:+1:t2:

Hi Tommy

I went for your no2 solution.
Unfortunately every time I plugged the sky connect in it killed my Conbee Zigbee2mqtt.

Running a NUC on bare metal.

Don’t know what to do now.

Can the sky connect be set to default settings?


I don’t have a Conbee so not sure, but it maybe that HAOS is seeing Conbee and SkyConnect as /dev/ttyUSB1 /dev/ttyUSB0??

A suggestion would be to unplug Conbee and plug in SkyConnect and go to UI->System->Hardware->All Hardware, then type in the search box “Skyconnect” and see what the device by-id is, something like
/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Nabu_Casa_SkyConnect_v1.0_2ebblahblahblah. Then go to the SiLabs Multiprotocol Add-On Config web page and make sure it is using this device by-id.

Similarly, unplug SkyConnect and plug-in Conbee and check the UI hardware for Conbee and match its device against the Zigbee2MQTT config.

You have to reflash the SkyConnect with the Zigbee Stack. Some have done it easily, others have problems, but here is a thread on the topic:

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Thanks again for the reply.

I’m reluctant to put the sky connect back in my Nuc as when I did last time in killed the Zigbee2mqtt and even after disconnecting it and putting the Conbee back in I couldn’t get Zigbee2mqtt back.

Maybe I’ll flash the sky connect and try again.




My sky connect is connecting to ttyUSB0

Conbee is ttyACM1

ttyACM0 is taken up by Zwave stick.

Is the problem the sky connect connection via ttyUSB0?


Make sure in the SiLabs Multiprotocol Add-On, goto its “Configuration” Web page and make sure you have selected the “Device” as /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Nabu_Casa_SkyConnect_v1.0_6040f948c342ed11a09447ab2a61-if00-port0

It should not be the problem since the other devices don’t use ttyUSB0.

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DOH🤦🏻 that’s the one thing I missed. Now all working.

Thank you very much :+1:t2:

New to HA and great to see some goos ideas to try.
I was wondering if you knew of any other options for this issue, as I only have the SkyConnect dongle and would like to use Z2MQTT instead of ZHA if possible?

On the latest updates, and settings were correct for port (based on info from hardware) and adapter was set to EZSP.


No thread devices yet, was hoping to mostly use Zigbee.

Sorry, have been out for a while…
The SkyConnect comes with a SiLabs Zigbee stack so you should be able to setup Zigbee2MQTT directly for the SkyConnect without multiprotocol by configuring Zigbee2MQTT to use the /dev/serial/by-id/… and the adapter to EZSP.