Zigbee2MQTT - Sync Keypad and Alarm Control Panel States

Thank you for your feedback.

Then I will try to adapt the Blueprint (or write a new one from Scratch) to use the Alarmo MQTT commands that support PIN codes:

I will let you know (no so much time at the moment…)

I think that is not a good idea. MQTT is intended for communication from HA to another system (such as zigbee2mqtt), for internal communication we can use services.
Alarmo supports standard services such as alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away etc. which can be used to send the pin code as well. So I think no changes are needed in your bleprint, it’s already compatible.

I think the question from @titom43 was about an option to not have to enter the code in this blueprint and in Alarmo configuration. I think this is currently not possible.

OK. Got it!

I will then try to use services…

IMHO, the code can be forwarded to the service (or MQTT) and wait for the answer to reply to the keyboard.
Don’t you think?

BTW, did not see that you were THE “Niels” from Alarmo.

So what do you think is the best way to integrate Keypads to “your” Alarmo system?
(duplicating the PIN codes is not a good idea… also the pre/post commands that should be handled by Alarmo)

Thank you in advance for your expert opinion

Hi again :slight_smile:

I’ve got it working with your blueprint and a Linkind keypad.

Also it’s working with Alarmo, but it’s really quick & dirty.
More dirty then quick I suppose.

I’ve configured two persons with two individual codes in Alarmo.
With the blueprint I’ve created two automations. The actions in the blueprint call services from Alarmo with the pincode from the person. So the same pincode is set within the automation.
The dirty part is that you need a automation for every person AND the code is readable in the yaml file. But… it works!

Great piece, just orders a linkind keypad. Also watching this post and blueprint
Synchronize Ring Alarm Keypad v2 with Alarmo
Seems like between these there is a way to use this keypad with alarmo and setting codes.

Nice looking blueprint here and can almost replace a couple of different automations I already have setup for Alarmo and a keypad. However I don’t like the idea of saving the pin in the automation or having to create multiple automations if you have more than 1 code.
Isn’t it easier to have Alarmo do the pin verification instead of comparing that in the automation itself meaning you can leave the pin out of the automation entirely?

Something like this:

  - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
        - alarm_control_panel.alarmo
      code: '{{trigger.payload_json["action_code"]}}'

Hoping the same!

Where can i buy the linkind keypad ? Cant find it on any store

I’ve got a problem, just bought one, synching with zigbee2mqtt fine, but leave it overnight and in the morning it fails to connect, as in red light on keypad, yet zigbee2mqtt shows messages received fine. Remove battery and it’ll work again. I’ve got some debug logs. Is it due to the response is all nulls? Happened two days in a trot.

I found it at Amazon

Maybe you can post a issue at zigbee2mqtt GitHub because it doesn’t seem it’s HA related.

OK but it looks like the automation is not sending a response back just as described in your instructions " * A successfully paired keypad in Zigbee2MQTT. Don’t panic if the keypads connection LED is still blinking. This is no issue and will be solved later."

i bought the linkind keypad but cant get it to work with z2m any ideas ?
the interview seems to fail.


Warning Received message from unsupported device with Zigbee model 'ZB-KeypadGeneric-D0002' and manufacturer name 'lk' Warning Please see: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/how_tos/how_to_support_new_devices.html. 
Warning Received message from unsupported device with Zigbee model 'ZB-KeypadGeneric-D0002' and manufacturer name 'lk' 
Warning Please see: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/how_tos/how_to_support_new_devices.html.
 Warning Received message from unsupported device with Zigbee model 'ZB-KeypadGeneric-D0002' and manufacturer name 'lk' 
Warning Please see: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/how_tos/how_to_support_new_devices.html.

it also get shown as unsupported.

i have tryed to resett it several times
any suggestions ?

Following this now Can’t pair with Linkind ZS130000078 · Discussion #11453 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt (github.com). Getting a failed (Data request failed with error: ‘No network route’ (205)).
Could it be it needs a regular message sent to keep it alive, although Z2M is still seeing regular updates to link and battery, etc?

What version are you on? Latest is 1.23.0

I had have the same problem use 1.23 version.

Is there a way to get this blueprint working with ZHA and zha_events as opposed to MQTT? I run my Zigbee devices over ZHA not zigbee2mqtt so outta luck unless I’m missing something!


Thank you so much for this blueprint ! it’s working !

Do you guys are experimenting battery problems with the linkind ZS130000078 ! pad ? mine is going up and down every hour…

Not sure if it’s a hardware or software problem ? Any ideas ?

Very cool work! Would it be hard to also allow for zwave keypads (ie. Ring Alarm Keypad)?