Zigbee2MQTT - Sync Keypad and Alarm Control Panel States

I had have the same problem use 1.23 version.

Is there a way to get this blueprint working with ZHA and zha_events as opposed to MQTT? I run my Zigbee devices over ZHA not zigbee2mqtt so outta luck unless I’m missing something!


Thank you so much for this blueprint ! it’s working !

Do you guys are experimenting battery problems with the linkind ZS130000078 ! pad ? mine is going up and down every hour…

Not sure if it’s a hardware or software problem ? Any ideas ?

Very cool work! Would it be hard to also allow for zwave keypads (ie. Ring Alarm Keypad)?

I’ve noticed this also. When it goes to sleep it’s in the 40’s, when I use it it’s in the 90’s. I’ve noticed the batteries are in parallel, could they be using one in sleep mode?

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Ring blueprint link

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Hello, I just got my XFINITY XHK1-UE keypad today, paired up to zigbee2mqtt in my test environment, and I got the the blueprint installed and an automation deployed. The state sync works to the Physical keypad when I arm the keypad in the HA interface. But I can not arm or disarm with the Physical keypad. what am I missing here?


I just changed with brand new battery is doing it again… what crap

Mine is doing the same. Seems to be normal for the Linkind.

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@kvj Setting up your integration: How do you add multiple pin code? I see below but not sure how to add other codes (formatting)

    disarm_codes: # Optional: new feature - additional disarm codes
      secret: "4321"

– EDIT – solved:

    disarm_codes: # Optional: new feature - additional disarm codes
      person1: "4321"
      person2: "3456"

@callacomp @Twinsen68 I have everyrhing working but arming/unarming via the panel goes wrong 99% of the time even tought zigbee2mqtt says the panel is connected. Also when I arm hass it also works fine.

It seems that the panel looses connection all the time like you reported in your posts of Feb 21/24; have you even been able to fix this problem?

–EDIT-- This -seems-solved when I remove the keypad and add it again Via a zigbee wallplug (instead of directly via the coordinator). Curious to see if this keeps working

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Not fixed yet, what coordinator do you have? I’ve just reconnected mine to one of my plugs only been 12 hours so far, but battery back to reporting g two figures but it’s working, need to do two days or so.

Need to watch this Link

Has anyone modded this keypad to allow for external power instead of just batteries?

beautiful project!

I have tested it with Develco Keypad and works fine!

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Really nice project, is there any chance of adding support for multiple pin codes?

Is not planned so far. What is your use case for this?

I use the develco keypad and have several RFID tags that can disarm the alarm system. So it would be nice to have multiple codes that could disarm.

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Should they all do the exactly same thing?

Yes they should all do the same.

Okay. I probably won’t add this to the blueprint, however you can do it yourself quite easily by adding another pin-variable to the blueprint.