I defined zones that are overlapping, however the device-tracker entity is currently not able to show that the device is in multiple zones, it always picks the latest zone entered.
Would be great, if there would be a way to track multiple zones the same time.
E.g. I have defined a zone with a large radius around my home (let’s call it zone 1)and additionally smaller zones inside this bigger one (let’s say Zone 2)
So each device that is in zone 2 is also located inside of zone 1, as zone 2 is inside zone 2.
Problem is, that as soon as the device enters Zone 2, it is also recognized that it leaves zone 1, which is basically not correct.
From the Docs:
Zones can be added and managed through the user interface at Settings → Areas & Zones
Again, from the Docs:
“You can adjust the zone radius (except for the Home zone) by changing the size of the zone circle”
The only thing the docs don’t mention is that you can also change the radius using customize.yaml, but I suspect that was removed intentionally.
If you feel anything is incorrect or unclear, you can always suggest an edit to the docs yourself. There’s an Edit button at the bottom of every documentation page.
Ok, sorry and thanks
First two point were in fact my fault.
I change the feature request respectively
However, it would really be good, if changes to the radius of the home zone could be done more easily, especially when using multiple zones and trying to adjust those as good as possible to the individual needs, it’s really time consuming to do a restart every time
Then expect this topic to be locked shortly, because it is a duplicate of this Feature Request.
PS - You don’t really need to restart each time you change the radius if you’re using customize.yaml. Simply go to Dev Tools > Yaml > Location & Customizations under YAML configuration reloading. It only takes a few seconds and is not time consuming at all
ok, customize.yaml does work, however, that’s exactly what’s not documented
Anyway, my main request has been overlapping zones in the beginning.
So I changed the topic name and the first post, and make this the only request.
I started using zones, but got confused right away by overlapping zones. I’ve setup zones that have each a wider radius from my home. Because for example a boiler should be switched on earlier than heating which has to turn on earlier than lights. But this doesn’t work at all. I’ve set a zone warning for entering and leaving these radius. I randomly get kicked out of a broader circle when I am in a smaller one. Not very useful. What I want is that when I am in my home zone, I am also reported in all the broader ones. Even better when we could make them exclusive (donut shaped, home zone excludes the rest of the broader radius).