ZW095 Home Energy Meter not automaticly reporting ... why?

I have problems with my AEON Labs Home Energy Meter - Gen5 ZW095, manually the values get refreshed, automatically they don’t …


Driver Version: 8.11.4
Server Version: 1.14.1
Home ID: 25482898
Server URL: ws://a0d7b954-zwavejs2mqtt:3000

I switched ON all parameters for Group 1
PARAMETER 101 Automatic Report: Group 1 - kWh (Whole HEM)
PARAMETER 101 Automatic Report: Group 1 - Power (Whole HEM)
PARAMETER 101 Automatic Report: Group 1 - Voltage (Whole HEM)
PARAMETER 101 Automatic Report: Group 1 - Current (Whole HEM)
PARAMETER 101 Automatic Report: Group 1 - Power (Clamp 1)
PARAMETER 101 Automatic Report: Group 1 - Power (Clamp 2)
PARAMETER 101 Automatic Report: Group 1 - Power (Clamp 3)
PARAMETER 101 Automatic Report: Group 1 - kWh (Clamp 1)
PARAMETER 101 Automatic Report: Group 1 - kWh (Clamp 2)
PARAMETER 101 Automatic Report: Group 1 - kWh (Clamp 3)
PARAMETER 101 Automatic Report: Group 1 - Voltage (Clamp 1)
PARAMETER 101 Automatic Report: Group 1 - Voltage (Clamp 2)
PARAMETER 101 Automatic Report: Group 1 - Voltage (Clamp 3)
PARAMETER 101 Automatic Report: Group 1 - Current (Clamp 1)
PARAMETER 101 Automatic Report: Group 1 - Current (Clamp 2)
PARAMETER 101 Automatic Report: Group 1 - Current (Clamp 3)

PARAMETER 111 Automatic Reporting Interval: Group 1 60 seconds

but it’s not working …

What did I do wrong ?

Can you retrieve the current configuration for parameter 101? It should be a numeric value somewhere between 1 and 4144911. Based on your configuration above (enabled all parameters) it should be at 4144911 but perhaps you enabled the different settings too fast.

Home Energy Meter Gen5 setting your sensor to report. : Aeotec Help Desk

where could I retrieve this ?

I did a reset and entered the settings again … still not reporting … huh ?

Is ANY of the entities updating? Just to verify there is maybe some bug in setting the correct value on parameter 101. As you use Z-WaveJS2MQTT (based on your Server URL) you should be able to check the Device configuration in the web interface to see which settings are active after reinterviewing the device.

  1. Open the Z-WaveJS2MQTT web interface through the addon
  2. In the control panel open your device
  3. Using the Advanced button, choose Re-interview Node and wait until it completes
  4. After interviewing has completed, under the node you will find “Configuration Vx” (where x is some number depending on the device)
  5. Find the settings for parameter 101, the ID for those parameters will most likely start with [node ID]-112-0-101-X where X is each of the individual parameters for reports.
  6. Check if each value is set to Enabled that you want to have reported
  7. Ensure that parameter 111 has been set correctly

Let us know what you find.

You see something wrong ? I don’t …

Configuration v1

[17-112-0-3] Selective Reporting
[0] Disable (Default)
Report only when the defined threshold is exceeded
[17-112-0-4] Power Change Threshold (Whole HEM)
Threshold change in power consumption to induce an automatic report
[17-112-0-5] Power Change Threshold (Clamp 1)
Threshold change in power consumption to induce an automatic report
[17-112-0-6] Power Change Threshold (Clamp 2)
Threshold change in power consumption to induce an automatic report
[17-112-0-7] Power Change Threshold (Clamp 3)
Threshold change in power consumption to induce an automatic report
[17-112-0-8] Power Percentage Threshold (Whole HEM)
Threshold change in power consumption (on a percentage basis) to induce an automatic report (Default: 10)
[17-112-0-9] Power Percentage Threshold (Clamp 1)
Threshold change in power consumption (on a percentage basis) to induce an automatic report (Default: 10)
[17-112-0-10] Power Percentage Threshold (Clamp 2)
Threshold change in power consumption (on a percentage basis) to induce an automatic report (Default: 10)
[17-112-0-11] Power Percentage Threshold (Clamp 3)
Threshold change in power consumption (on a percentage basis) to induce an automatic report (Default: 10)
[17-112-0-13] CRC-16 Encapsulation
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-101-1] Automatic Report: Group 1 - kWh (Whole HEM)
[1] Enable
[17-112-0-101-2] Automatic Report: Group 1 - Power (Whole HEM)
[1] Enable
[17-112-0-101-4] Automatic Report: Group 1 - Voltage (Whole HEM)
[1] Enable
[17-112-0-101-8] Automatic Report: Group 1 - Current (Whole HEM)
[1] Enable
[17-112-0-101-256] Automatic Report: Group 1 - Power (Clamp 1)
[1] Enable
[17-112-0-101-512] Automatic Report: Group 1 - Power (Clamp 2)
[1] Enable
[17-112-0-101-1024] Automatic Report: Group 1 - Power (Clamp 3)
[1] Enable
[17-112-0-101-2048] Automatic Report: Group 1 - kWh (Clamp 1)
[1] Enable
[17-112-0-101-4096] Automatic Report: Group 1 - kWh (Clamp 2)
[1] Enable
[17-112-0-101-8192] Automatic Report: Group 1 - kWh (Clamp 3)
[1] Enable
[17-112-0-101-65536] Automatic Report: Group 1 - Voltage (Clamp 1)
[1] Enable
[17-112-0-101-131072] Automatic Report: Group 1 - Voltage (Clamp 2)
[1] Enable
[17-112-0-101-262144] Automatic Report: Group 1 - Voltage (Clamp 3)
[1] Enable
[17-112-0-101-524288] Automatic Report: Group 1 - Current (Clamp 1)
[1] Enable
[17-112-0-101-1048576] Automatic Report: Group 1 - Current (Clamp 2)
[1] Enable
[17-112-0-101-2097152] Automatic Report: Group 1 - Current (Clamp 3)
[1] Enable
[17-112-0-102-1] Automatic Report: Group 2 - kWh (Whole HEM)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-102-2] Automatic Report: Group 2 - Power (Whole HEM)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-102-4] Automatic Report: Group 2 - Voltage (Whole HEM)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-102-8] Automatic Report: Group 2 - Current (Whole HEM)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-102-256] Automatic Report: Group 2 - Power (Clamp 1)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-102-512] Automatic Report: Group 2 - Power (Clamp 2)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-102-1024] Automatic Report: Group 2 - Power (Clamp 3)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-102-2048] Automatic Report: Group 2 - kWh (Clamp 1)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-102-4096] Automatic Report: Group 2 - kWh (Clamp 2)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-102-8192] Automatic Report: Group 2 - kWh (Clamp 3)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-102-65536] Automatic Report: Group 2 - Voltage (Clamp 1)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-102-131072] Automatic Report: Group 2 - Voltage (Clamp 2)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-102-262144] Automatic Report: Group 2 - Voltage (Clamp 3)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-102-524288] Automatic Report: Group 2 - Current (Clamp 1)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-102-1048576] Automatic Report: Group 2 - Current (Clamp 2)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-102-2097152] Automatic Report: Group 2 - Current (Clamp 3)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-103-1] Automatic Report: Group 3 - kWh (Whole HEM)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-103-2] Automatic Report: Group 3 - Power (Whole HEM)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-103-4] Automatic Report: Group 3 - Voltage (Whole HEM)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-103-8] Automatic Report: Group 3 - Current (Whole HEM)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-103-256] Automatic Report: Group 3 - Power (Clamp 1)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-103-512] Automatic Report: Group 3 - Power (Clamp 2)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-103-1024] Automatic Report: Group 3 - Power (Clamp 3)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-103-2048] Automatic Report: Group 3 - kWh (Clamp 1)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-103-4096] Automatic Report: Group 3 - kWh (Clamp 2)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-103-8192] Automatic Report: Group 3 - kWh (Clamp 3)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-103-65536] Automatic Report: Group 3 - Voltage (Clamp 1)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-103-131072] Automatic Report: Group 3 - Voltage (Clamp 2)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-103-262144] Automatic Report: Group 3 - Voltage (Clamp 3)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-103-524288] Automatic Report: Group 3 - Current (Clamp 1)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-103-1048576] Automatic Report: Group 3 - Current (Clamp 2)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-103-2097152] Automatic Report: Group 3 - Current (Clamp 3)
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-111] Automatic Reporting Interval: Group 1
(Default: 600)
[17-112-0-112] Automatic Reporting Interval: Group 2
(Default: 600)
[17-112-0-113] Automatic Reporting Interval: Group 3
(Default: 600)
[17-112-0-200] Partner ID
[0] Aeotec (Default)
[17-112-0-252] Lock Configuration
[0] Disable (Default)
[17-112-0-2] Energy Detection Mode
[17-112-0-255] Reset to Factory Default Setting
Custom Configuration

Aside from the very low frequency I see nothing wrong with this. Last thing I can think of is that Group 1 doesn’t contain your Controller (node 1), could you check that under the Groups for this node?


This is what I would have expected. Get that fixed and it should start working :slight_smile:



thanks a million, it’s working !

1 Like

Just chiming in to say this solved it for me too. Thank you

I have the same problem. There is nothing on the groups page for the Home Energy Meter node in the Z-Wave JS. how did you guys get it to be added to some group and have a lifeline to the controller?

Found it… there’s an “Add” button on the groups page in Z-wave JS :slight_smile:
Thank you for this thread, really helped me.