Zwave error

Same here :slight_smile:
Error executing script. Error for call_service at pos 1: Unable to set value 43-38-0-targetValue: zwave_error: Z-Wave error 202 - Failed to send the command after 1 attempts (ZW0202)

But why just one attemps ? Before it was three no ?

It’s unclear to me. Before my Zwave network was fine. No issues. I think it is a software bug, but not sure.

Is there any wat to downgrade ZWaveJS UI to an older version?

FYI, I ended up migrating to a 500 series stick (aeotec), and all problem disappeard.

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I am going to migrate to an Aeotec Gen 5 + with S2 support. Hopefully the stick will arrive in a couple of days.

Controller completely jammed this afternoon. Everything went offline. Even with the latest firmware on the Zooz ZST39 it is still not ok. I have 65 devices added to it and it simple can not handle it. When I had a lot less devices added, it worked fine. But with too many devices added, it gets unstable.

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Same issue here following a recent migration to Aeotec 700 series stick from a 500 series.

Can’t figure out if it’s the stick upgrade or something. 509 series has been rock solid for almost 5 years.

The 700 is known to be having issues. It would be better to upgrade to an 800 or go back to a 500.

For information, I change the setting of my old fibaro plug to be less talkative and everything seems much better today.

Helpt my network too. Have a Zooz 800. Jammed often and suddenly had devices drop from the network. After changing the settings of the Fibaro plugs, the problem was solved.

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I have tried everything to get an Aeotec 700 to work. Kept getting a jammed controller, dead nodes, failed commands. Went back to my 5-year 500 stick and zero issues.

Wondering what am I going to do when the 500 eventually fails. Has anyone looked at the Aeotec Smart Hub (Matter/Zigbee/Zwave/Smartthings) and whether that’s any good?

Forget the aeotec 700. Look at zooz. It’s not perfect but so much better

Which chipset - 700 or 800?

Take the most recent => 800

If you don’t need the new chipset, stay with the 500. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! :smiley:

When you really feel the need to upgrade, go to a 800. I have a Zooz 800 too. Like Idaho said, it’s not perfect. I had lot of issues too. I managed to get the network traffic down which helped. However, I still see now and then that the controller jammed or was unavailable briefly. No idea why.

For not it’s workable and everything seems to work. But it takes a lot more work then when using a 500. Never had issues with a 500 before.

For the record, I also get this intermittently with a ZME_RAZBERRY7. They have a “pro” version with an external antenna. Using Home Assistant Yellow. Think the Antenna will help?

I don’t think it will help. I think it has to do with the 700 chipset. Different antenna does not change it.