ZWave events showing up in logbook even with logging turned off

Hi, I am relatively new to HA so I don’t know if i am just missing something simple. I have home assistant installed on a raspberry pi and am using Z-Wave JS UI with Zooz ZEN71 switches. Every time I use the switch an entry shows up in the logbook. Example shown here:

I do not want my logbook flooded with these events and I also know its good to reduce logging when using a SD card so it lasts longer. I have tried a number of things but I can not get the events to not show up. I have turned off logging in Z-Wave JS UI settings under Z-wave and General. Shown here:

I have also edited my configuration.yaml file to have only sun.sun as an included domain for the recorder which from what I read recorder is what effects logbook and if you list things under include it will exclude everything else so this should stop everything besides sun events from showing up in the logbook. Here is my configuration.yaml file:

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

  default: critical
    # log level for HA core
    homeassistant.core: fatal

  commit_interval: 30
  purge_keep_days: 7
  #purge_interval: 1        # obsolete, replaced by "auto_purge" (default: true)
    - sun.sun

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

From what i understand the changes I have made should have worked to stop the ZWave events from showing up in the logbook but they still do, any advice on how to stop them from showing up would be appreciated, thanks!

Please check this
Logbook - Home Assistant (µ

I hope you restart after change the config file.

You can add exclude if you want. I see that you put only sun.sun , I can’t really explain why you get other data

It “relies on recorder for storage” according logbook docs

Recorder and logbook definitely have separate exclude sections. I presume excludes in revkrder will only affect logbook after reboot but live may not need recorder??

You need to add config for logbook.
Your config above has recorder

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In the logbook doc It says

By default, the logbook will use the same filter as the recorder.

So It seems like just the recorder settings should be enough but regardless I added

      - sun.sun

and after restarting I am still getting the events showing up.

I will also note that when I don’t have include only sun.sun other things like lights turning on and off show up. So only including sun.sun does seem to stop some things from showing up in logbook but zwave and home assistant started and stoped messages still show up.

This does not make sense to me based on the docs, what am I missing?

the HA start/stop may not be removable

this link points to post that tells you how to get list of domains used in your HA instance.
Use that and try excluding the domains you want gone. (I think zwave is a domain but not sure)

I think it is weird that include did not exclude all others by default but never tested this to see if its true for me.

I think you forgot the link

I don’t believe it’s currently possible to exclude only these events from the logbook. You can exclude them individually from the recorder using the event_types exclusion filter, but this filter does not get carried over to the logbook like the others do, and the logbook configuration does not have the same setting.

      - zwave_js_value_notification

You can explicitly exclude the entire domain from either recorder or logbook, and it will filter out the events, as @tmjpugh suggested. The entities themselves are not affected since they are different domains (light, switch, etc.).

So it seems like in general, integration (domain) events aren’t factored into the filter application.

Either of these work, depending on your preference.

  1. Exclude logbook only:
      - zwave_js
  1. Excluded logbook and recorder:
      - zwave_js

I used this post to get a list of domains and zwave was not listed even though I see it listed as the domain of the zwave_js_value_notifications. I tried excluding all of the domains listed and zwave_js from recorder but I was still getting the events showing up in the logbook. I added excluding zwave_js_value_notification event type to the recorder and that fixed it. So my config file has this in it:

  commit_interval: 30
  purge_keep_days: 7
  #purge_interval: 1        # obsolete, replaced by "auto_purge" (default: true)
      - automation
      - binary_sensor
      - button
      - device_tracker
      - light
      - media_player
      - person
      - scene
      - select
      - sensor
      - sun
      - switch
      - update
      - weather
      - zone
      - zwave_js
      - zwave_js_value_notification

Thanks so much everyone for the help!

Update, I have simplified my config to have this instead and it works:

  commit_interval: 30
  purge_keep_days: 7
  #purge_interval: 1        # obsolete, replaced by "auto_purge" (default: true)
      - camera
      - zwave_js_value_notification

I am using camera as an include since I do not have that domain in my home assistant so it excludes all the other domains and only includes a domain that doesn’t exist so it effectively is including nothing while still excluding everything. I also have to exclude zwave_js_value_notification