zWave-JS - Cannot handle message because the driver is not ready to handle it yet

Help! My zWave-JS integration has failed and none of my zWave devices can be controlled. I’m running the core zWave-JS integration (not “Z-Wave JS to MQTT”). I’ve checked the Z-Wave JS logs and can see the attached error event, this then kills the service.

I’ve tried rolling back to previous partial snapshots, and the error persists. What happens if I remove the AddOn and re-add it? Will I loose all my entities and their friendly names etc?

I have the same issue and I just restored until this is fixed.

Thanks … two quick questions:

  1. Did you restore from a previous snapshot/backup?
  2. Is it a known bug? Did you find a GitHub issue I can follow?


  1. Yes I restored back to 0.1.10 and everything is fine now
  2. I don’t know if it is a known bug I just updated today and wasn’t able to get it to work no matter what I did

phew, I had an older proxmox backup which I could restore back to. I’m now on “core-2021.3.1” and light controls have come back. I’ll have a dig into GitHub issues to see if this is seen elsewhere with other users.

indeed, restored from backup in a blink of an eye. Unfortunately that halted my system after that, for a first time ever, without any other obvious reason…
Which I found out this morning when the house wouldn’t wake up and the alarm was still on :wink:

only thing I could do was unplug the Pi (and yes I did try ssh and samba, both unreachable and local wasn’t available either)

back in business now… hope/am sure this will get fixed soon, because we need to develop the z-wavejs

This just happened to me.

“Dropping message because network keys are not set or the driver is not yet ready to receive secure messages.”

Restored a backup to np avail. Idk. I’m gonna do it again.

Just updated the z wave addon. Or integration idk.
I have the z wave zigbee combo USB dongle.
The nordtek one
Running on a odroid n2+
Running z-wave js
What is causing this?

I’m also having this issue with a Zooz ZEN32 switch.
It started approximately the same day of the zwave js addon 0.7.1

Edit: Updating the add-on to 0.7.2 is fixing it.