Ah ok, this is not a configuration but an explanation of what is required to set it.
Now where do I put the template? Seems to not work in template.yaml nor in configuration.yaml.
Ah ok, this is not a configuration but an explanation of what is required to set it.
Now where do I put the template? Seems to not work in template.yaml nor in configuration.yaml.
the light template?
Yes (or switch, cover).
well, it’s a light template that handles all lights and switches. It doesn’t handle covers, I’ll have to make changes for it to support covers. But the light template goes in the light section of your configuration.yaml.
Ok, but I don’t need that template if I am just using scripts, right?
Also I am trying it with a group that contains lights and switches and it tells me that my switch doesn’t support level (which is correct):
service: script.zwave_multicast_group
group: group.test1
level: 0
Do I have to use “off”? If so, how?
It handles it naturally for you. 0 is off anything greater than zero is on. What do you mean ‘it tells me’ that your switch doesn’t support level?
No you don’t need the light template if you’re just going to use the script.
1 error(s): Node(node_id=40) - NotFoundError: Value 40-37-0-targetValue not found on node Node(node_id=40)
right, that’s where this section comes into play
You need to figure out the command class for that switch/light and the correct endpoint.
Then add that to the script using the provided link
what device is that and what command classes does it have? Also what’s it calling when you turn that switch on or off from the UI?
I guess this should be it:
2022-07-27T15:43:30.712Z CNTRLR [Node 040] [~] [Binary Switch] currentValue: false => false [Endpoint 2]
2022-07-27 17:43:30.713 INFO ZWAVE: Node 40: value updated: 37-2-currentValue false => false
I added the last two lines:
command_class: 37
property: targetValue
endpoint: 0
value: '{{ value }}'
endpoint: 2
Now I get no error, but it also doesn’t switch off…
- service: script.zwave_multicast_group
group: group.test
level: 0
some devices are finicky and have this issue with multicast. Not much you can do as the device isn’t honoring the command.
what is node 40? Brand/model?
Fibargroup Double Relay Switch 2x1.5kW FGS222
I have the same device and it works for me using:
endpoint: 1
endpoint: 2
edit: Mine is the Double Switch 2.
Well, let’s hope the Fibaro Rollers work otherwise this is starting to get pointless. Fibaro RGBW Dimmer is not working either…
define not working… you have to throw me some bones dude. I’m not a mind reader
Sorry my bad. RGBW is working.
But this one is not:
No zwave_js nodes found for given targets. Got {'type': 'execute_script', 'sequence': [{'service': 'script.zwave_multicast_group', 'data': {'group': 'group.off_all', 'level': 0}}], 'id': 70}
Fibargroup Double Switch 2 FGS223
2022-07-27T16:08:30.930Z CNTRLR [Node 122] [~] [Binary Switch] currentValue: false => false [Endpoint 1]
Interestingly this error only appears when the light is actually on.
Yeah, there will be some errors in the logs. I just suppress/ignore them as long as the device does what it’s told.
Well it doesn’t work.
Can you be more explicit? Can you say things like “It doesn’t physically turn on/off” instead of the dreaded unhelpful phrase “It doesn’t work”.