The indentation is fine
my bad, I just compared the posted code to code that I use and know to work.
Indentation in yaml is odd if you aren’t used to it. As long as objects are at the same level, the number of leading spaces doesn’t matter.
Hi! Love this feature. It does seem to work on my current configuration, however, I have some errors in the log that I am wondering about.
I have groups with both lights and switches which are controlling non-dimmable lights. These lights are also set up with helpers as “Switch as lights”, however I am using the original switch entities in the multicast. I regularly get this:
TemplateError('ValueError: Template error: int got invalid input 'None' when rendering template '{%- set entities = expand('group.garderobe_z_wave') %} {%- set lights = entities | selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'light') | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') %} {%- set levels = lights | map(attribute='attributes.brightness') | map('int') | list %} {{- levels | average if levels else 0 }}' but no default was specified') while processing template 'Template<template=({%- set entities = expand('group.garderobe_z_wave') %} {%- set lights = entities | selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'light') | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') %} {%- set levels = lights | map(attribute='attributes.brightness') | map('int') | list %} {{- levels | average if levels else 0 }}) renders=610>' for attribute '_brightness' in entity 'light.garderobe_z_wave'
My group.yaml for this group looks like this:
- light.garderobe_taklys
- switch.garderobe_nattlys
- switch.garderobe_nattlys_2
My configuration.yaml has this:
unique_id: garderobe_z_wave
friendly_name: Garderobe Z-Wave
value_template: >
{{ is_state('group.garderobe_z_wave', 'on') }}
level_template: >
{%- set entities = expand('group.garderobe_z_wave') %}
{%- set lights = entities | selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'light') | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') %}
{%- set levels = lights | map(attribute='attributes.brightness') | map('int') | list %}
{{- levels | average if levels else 0 }}
availability_template: >
{{- expand('group.garderobe_z_wave') | selectattr('state','in',['unavailable','unknown']) | list | length == 0 }}
- service: script.zwave_multicast_group
group: group.garderobe_z_wave
level: 255
- service: script.zwave_multicast_group
group: group.garderobe_z_wave
level: 0
- service: script.zwave_multicast_group
group: group.garderobe_z_wave
level: >
{{- brightness }}
And my scripts.yaml contains this, where I have added special command class endpoints for my switches with two relays:
mode: parallel
alias: Multicast to Zwave Group
description: (Required) The group of lights & switches
example: group.bonus_room_area
description: (Optional) The brightness level, switches will be on if the level
is greater than 0.
example: '99'
brightness_pct: '{%- set brightness_pct = (level | int(0) / 255 * 100) | int %}
{%- set brightness_pct = [ 0, brightness_pct ] | max %} {%- set brightness_pct
= [ 99, brightness_pct] | min %} {{- brightness_pct }}
value: '{%- set value = brightness_pct > 0 %} {{- value }}
command_class: 38
property: targetValue
endpoint: 1
value: '{{ brightness_pct }}'
command_class: 37
property: targetValue
endpoint: 1
value: '{{ value }}'
command_class: 37
property: targetValue
endpoint: 2
value: '{{ value }}'
command_class: 37
property: targetValue
endpoint: 2
value: '{{ value }}'
command_class: 37
property: targetValue
endpoint: 2
value: '{{ value }}'
command_class: 38
property: targetValue
endpoint: 0
value: '{{ brightness_pct }}'
lights: "{% if value %}\n {% set off_lights = expand(group) \n | selectattr('domain',
'eq', 'light')\n | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'off')\n | map(attribute='entity_id')
| list %}\n {% set on_lights = expand(group) \n | selectattr('domain', 'eq',
'light')\n | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on')\n | selectattr('attributes.brightness',
'defined') \n | rejectattr('attributes.brightness','eq', level)\n | map(attribute='entity_id')
| list %}\n {{ (off_lights + on_lights) or none }}\n{% else %}\n {{ expand(group)
\n | selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'light')\n | selectattr('state', 'eq',
'on')\n | map(attribute='entity_id') | list or none }}\n{% endif %}\n"
covers: "{% if value %}\n {% set off_lights = expand(group) \n | selectattr('domain',
'eq', 'cover')\n | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'closed')\n | map(attribute='entity_id')
| list %}\n {% set on_lights = expand(group) \n | selectattr('domain', 'eq',
'cover')\n | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'open')\n | selectattr('attributes.current_position',
'defined') \n | rejectattr('attributes.current_position','eq', brightness_pct)\n
\ | map(attribute='entity_id') | list %}\n {{ (off_lights + on_lights) or
none }}\n{% else %}\n {{ expand(group) \n | selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'cover')\n
\ | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'open')\n | map(attribute='entity_id') |
list or none }}\n{% endif %}\n"
switches: '{%- set switches = expand(group) | selectattr(''domain'', ''eq'', ''switch'')
%} {%- set switches = switches | selectattr(''state'',''eq'', ''off'' if value
else ''on'') %} {%- set switches = switches | map(attribute=''entity_id'') |
list %} {{- switches or none }}
items: "{%- set ns = namespace(items={}, spool={}) %} {%- set fmat = \"('{0}':
{1})\" %} {%- set items = (switches or []) + (lights or []) + (covers or [])
%} {%- for item in items %}\n {%- set state_obj = expand(item) | first | default(none)
%}\n {%- if state_obj and state_obj.domain in ['light','switch','cover'] %}\n
\ {%- set domain = state_obj.domain %}\n {%- set entity_id = state_obj.entity_id
%}\n {%- set entity_ids = lights if domain == 'light' else switches %}\n
\ {%- set entity_ids = covers if domain == 'cover' else entity_ids %}\n {%-
set current = settings[domain] %}\n {%- set current = dict(current, **settings[entity_id])
if entity_id in settings else current %}\n {%- set key = domain ~ '_' ~ current.items()
| list | string | lower | regex_findall('[a-z0-9_]+') | join('_') %}\n {%-
if key in ns.spool %}\n {%- set ns.spool = dict(ns.spool, **{key:ns.spool[key]
+ [entity_id]}) %}\n {%- else %}\n {%- set ns.spool = dict(ns.spool,
**{key:[entity_id]}) %}\n {%- endif %}\n {%- set entity_ids = ns.spool[key]
%}\n {%- set current = dict(domain=domain, **current) %}\n {%- set current
= dict(current, entity_id=entity_ids) %}\n {%- set ns.items = dict(ns.items,
**{key:current | string}) %}\n {%- endif %}\n{%- endfor %} [{{ ns.items.values()
| unique | sort | list | join(', ') }}]\n"
execute: '{{ items is not none or items != [] }}
total: '{{ items | length if execute else 0 }}
- condition: template
value_template: '{{ execute }}'
- repeat:
count: '{{ total }}'
- service: zwave_js.multicast_set_value
entity_id: '{{ items[repeat.index - 1].entity_id }}'
command_class: '{{ items[repeat.index - 1].command_class }}'
property: '{{ items[repeat.index - 1].property }}'
endpoint: '{{ items[repeat.index - 1].endpoint }}'
value: '{{ items[repeat.index - 1].value }}'
max: 100
Anything wrong? I am wondering whether or not this slows down my setup.
I had to change the light templates this weekend… Here’s an example
unique_id: outside_sunset
friendly_name: Outside Sunset
value_template: >
{{ is_state('group.outside_sunset', 'on') }}
level_template: >
{%- set entities = expand('group.outside_sunset') %}
{%- set lights = entities | selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'light') | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') %}
{%- set levels = lights | selectattr('attributes.brightness', 'defined') | map(attribute='attributes.brightness') | reject('none') | list %}
{{- levels | average if levels else 0 }}
availability_template: >
{{- expand('group.outside_sunset') | selectattr('state','in',['unavailable','unknown']) | list | length == 0 }}
- service: script.zwave_multicast_group
group: group.outside_sunset
level: 255
- service: script.zwave_multicast_group
group: group.outside_sunset
level: 0
- service: script.zwave_multicast_group
group: group.outside_sunset
level: >
{{- brightness }}
@petro thanks for your fast reply!
The error is gone but I am now getting these warnings thrown houndreds of times;
You somehow copy/pasted the value_template incorrectly. It seems you’re missing line 2 of that template.
Oh, so sorry for the embarrassing mistake. I was so focused on making sure the edited line was correct that I didn’t see that I replaced the wrong line…! Thank you so much for your quick reply and work on this
Thanks for posting this, it works great except for one issue: Our HA Z-Wave integration is connected to 2x Z-Wave networks (2x remote Z-Wave JS UI servers) due to the Z-Wave 800 Controller hang issues everyone is seeing. When we call the script with a light group that contains lights from both groups we get the error:
Failed to call service script.zwave_multicast_group. Multicast commands only work on devices in the same network.
Can you suggest a modification to the script so that it further groups the switches by Z-Wave network and calls zwave_js.multicast_set_value for each set?