ZWave light switch problem

It started with version 49.2 or maybe first 50x. Not sure. It worked before that.

When I turn on the light, HA does not detect that it is turned on. The only way to force it to detect it is to restart HA. The automation (to turn the light off in 10 minutes) does not work.

Everything else works. I can turn on and off light from HA control panel. If I turn the light on from HA control panel or restart HA and it detects that light is on, the automation works.

Any ideas how to fix it?

@onlize You would need to provide more details. No information on what type of lights, How many? Your automation that doesn’t work etc

Not sure what else can I give. ZWave toggle switch. Regular lights. Does it matter how many? I am talking about switch. Everything works if I did not turn on switch pressing the toggle that is on the switch. If I turn it on any other way, everything works. If I turned it on using toggle on the switch, the light turns on, but nothing in HA.

Zwave is helpful. The number of Zwave devices is helpful.
Have a look at Z-Wave Polling Questions Answered

Sorry, I misunderstood. You wanted to know the number ZWave devices. I have only two ZWave switches and I use USB stick.

I checked that link that you sent, thank you for suggestion, but it is not related to my situation. They are talking about poling, but, at the same time they have this:

Z-Wave devices that update their state automatically such as a motion sensor being triggered or a switch turning on do not need to be polled.

However, not all Z-Wave switches will report their state automatically (courtesy of a patent that expired last year).

But, if you don’t tell us the make and model of the switch, we’re just guessing.

Both switches that I use are “GE Z-Wave Wireless Smart Lighting Control Smart Toggle Switch, On/Off, In-Wall - 12727”

as Tinkerer has said, not all zwave devices report their state. I have some GE zwave switches and I have to poll the outlets (not the switches) otherwise it could take up to 30-60 seconds for Home Assistant to display state properly. However one of my switches I do have to poll because it is in a 3-way configuration and the GE zwave add-on switch does not force the master switch to report the state, only toggling the master switch will force it to report the state.

EDIT: I have two of those exact switches and yes I do have to poll it. one controls normal ceiling lights, the other is a soft switch and fires an automation in Home Assistant. If I didn’t poll the switches, the automation would sometimes never fire and the state of the switch never updated. This is what my zwave config looks like (as described in the zwave configuration polling_interval of less than 30000 may cause undesired results such as locking up the zwave network):

usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
network_key: !secret zwave_network_key
polling_interval: 30000
debug: true
autoheal: true
    ignored: false
    polling_intensity: 1
    refresh_value: 1
    ignored: false
    polling_intensity: 1
    refresh_value: 1

Thank you, I will try it later today when I come home from work. Can you please explain me about network_key. I am reading, but it is not clear to me how to set it up and what to do.

The network key is explained in the Z-Wave documentation. You need it for secure devices.

Do you add ZWave devices following this guide?

I used video by BRUH Automation:

He presses the button to add device and I did the same. The guide on the website says that it not not recommended to do this? Should I remove my devices and add them the way that it is recommended on the website?

Using the correct way of adding them won’t solve your problem. GE cheaped out by not paying for the license, so the only way to find their status is through polling.

You can either enable polling (read the warnings!), or replace them with units that support instant status. This thread on the SmartThings forum will give you some more background. Basically, you need to look up the product you’re interested in, then check the Controlled Command Classes section (not the Supported Command Classes section). If it says Basic or Hail then you’re going to get instant updates. If it doesn’t, then you have to poll the device.

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Thank you very much. I am checking my switch and it says that Controlled Command Classes - Basic. What else do I need? Should I look for something different? There are some supported command classes too. This is what I see about my switch:

Supported Command Classes

    All Switch
    Association Group Information
    Association V2
    CRC16 Encapsulation
    Device Reset Local
    Firmware Update MD V2
    Manufacturer Specific V2
    Scene Activation
    Scene Actuator Configuration
    Switch Binary
    Version V2
    Z-Wave Plus Info V2

Controlled Command Classes


I narrowed my search to show only toggle switches (US) and all of them have command classes as I posted above. It seems I cannot have anything else, unless the search does not give me all correct results.

Sorry, I found my switch. It does not have any controlled command classes. I guess I need to find the switch that has that Basic Controlled Command Class.

So, I may have erred before, though I’m not sure. There’s conflicting documentation out there :wink: I’m unsure now whether just Basic is enough. Association and Hail seems to be the key ones. Central Scene isn’t (yet) supported in Open Z-Wave, though there’s work on addressing that.

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See the SmartThings docs, and the OZW docs for some more background.

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No matter what you do, I would add the polling information to your configuration. With only two devices, you are depending on a good path back to HA. The radio signal is very low power and is easily absorbed by walls, furniture, appliances etc.More devices should help.

It seems that it fixed my issue. Guys, thank you for your help.