ZWave: Many questions

  1. You can, at least as long as it’s a Z-Wave Plus range extender - keep in mind that all mains/USB powered devices are “range extenders” automatically - they’re used to build the mesh.
  2. As explained in the docs you need to wake any battery powered devices before you can change their configuration
  3. Graph the mesh for a start. You can also look in the <> menu (under Developer tools) and look at the following attributes of the zwave. entity: sentFailed, averageRequestRTT, and averageResponseRTT. All those should be relatively low (the first should be 1% or less of sentCnt ideally, the others should be under 500 (half a second).
  4. Yes, up to 4 hops
  5. The command is stored and sent
  6. You should see (from memory) something like is_secure: true in the attributes of the zwave. entity.
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