Zwave PIR sensor - Sleeping (Probe)

i have attached zwave PIR sensor.
its show State - Sleeping (Probe)
and rest of attribute are below
query_stage: Probe
wake_up_interval: 3600
is_zwave_plus: false
is_awake: false
max_baud_rate: 40000
is_ready: false
is_info_received: false
is_failed: false
capabilities: routing,beaming
node_id: 12

and entity name is zwave.__12
so please let me know how to use

Assuming its a battery powered sensor this is normal behavior. The node wakes up every hour to receive config changes etc and will wake up once it detects motion.

You should be able to see a binary_sensor.some_name_here_12 which you can use in your automations.

here what i got

sensor.gr_unknown_type0500_id0000_alarm_level_15_1	0	friendly_name: G.R. Unknown: type=0500, id=0000 Alarm Level
node_id: 15
sensor.gr_unknown_type0500_id0000_alarm_type_15_0	0	friendly_name: G.R. Unknown: type=0500, id=0000 Alarm Type
node_id: 15
sensor.gr_unknown_type0500_id0000_burglar_15_10	0	friendly_name: G.R. Unknown: type=0500, id=0000 Burglar
node_id: 15

i dont get what is alarm type and alarm level
can you please describe ?
also can i get battery status ?

Battery status will be in zwave.gr_unknown_type0500_id0000_15.

The alarm type and level will depend on the device. Simplest approach is to trigger the motion sensor and see what changes :wink:

Thanks for answer can u let me know how to call batter level

If you haven’t already, I’d suggest you try the search function. Using that found me, amongst many others, this thread. There’s a post in there that shows how to use a template to report, as a sensor, the battery level of a device.

thanks for answer i got what u mean but i never used template i am new learinging things
can u let me know where to place template which file it should be below what i try to make
- platform: template
value_template: ‘{% if states.zwave.gr_unknown_type0500_id0000_15 %}
{{ states.zwave.gr_unknown_type0500_id0000_15.attributes.battery_level }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}’
friendly_name: ‘PIR Sensor’
unit_of_measurement: ‘%’
entity_id: zwave.gr_unknown_type0500_id0000_15

so please let me know whats wrong if anything wrong in above template
also let me know place where to put and how to call.

See the big blue box at the top about correctly formatting posts.

Now, do you have an entity zwave.gr_unknown_type0500_id0000_15? If so, then you simply add that block, correctly formatted to your configuration as a sensor, as detailed here. If you’re really stuck, post your entire configuration.yaml, removing any usernames and passwords or other sensitive information.

yes i do have zwave.gr_unknown_type0500_id0000_15
and below is my setting in configuation.yaml
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
so i supposed i have to put there i put above code template one there but getting below error
17-04-04 22:36:21 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [sensor.template]: [bat_PIR] is an invalid option for [sensor.template]. Check: sensor.template->sensors->bat_PIR. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at

I suspect a formatting issue, which is why I pointed you to the large blue box about formatting :wink:

If you can post the contents of sensors.yaml, with the correct (code) formatting, we’ll possibly be able to help you.