Continue Discussion 465 replies
December 2022


Thanks to you and to the whole home assistant community.

December 2022

Spiro Regular

2 replies
December 2022


Great release ! Nice Matter !
But that’s only a controller? What’s about HASS as a matter Bridge to integrate HASS to other systems?

December 2022


Great job ! as always !

December 2022


Had a nice year of “Homeassting”.
Everything working stable now.
Thank you to all contributers. Happy Holidays

December 2022


Haven’t downloaded the update yet, but can the local calendar be exported to .ics? Or a live calendar link so we can syncgronize and update it from other devices?

December 2022


Thanks for Integrating Sensirion’s BLE protocol!
Now i can add my CO2-meter!!!

1 reply
December 2022


I just updated from 2022.11.5 but got the following error message, has anyone else seen this?

aiogithubapi 22.3.1 requires backoff<2.0.0,>=1.10.0, but you have backoff 2.2.1 which is incompatible.

I’m running HA core on a raspberrypi 4, on top of raspbian OS (bullseye)
Does anyone know how to fix it?

3 replies
December 2022


Great release as always.

I was hoping to see a few more WTHs though.

December 2022

petro Great contributor


1 reply
December 2022


this is pretty big. on the main production system fully loaded with (custom) integrations and many other things that could break, only 1 single error popping up:

2022-12-07 21:49:26.381 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.homeassistant_alerts] Timeout fetching homeassistant_alerts data

other than that, its flawless. very nice indeed.
ofc, love the new state colors for binaries classes, the new BT functionality (on Shelly’s now too, yeah).

so many other good stuff. thanks!

December 2022


“The country has not been configured” - even though it has?

3 replies
December 2022 ▶ jspanitz

petro Great contributor

this is a new general setting, you’ve never set it before.

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ petro


No I went in and set it, but the message didn’t go away. A restart of HA resolved.

1 reply
December 2022


For those using MASS, it appears it’s not compatible with this release. (2022.12.0)

2 replies
December 2022


Still no CIFS/Samba integration to connect to network shares on a NAS. Renders all media and NVRs useless.

3 replies
December 2022 ▶ Tromperie

petro Great contributor

There has been work done on this, however there was an unforeseen roadblock that the dev ran into. I wouldn’t expect a ‘point and click’ network share option anytime soon. You can mount network drives via CLI or an automation that runs a command_line command.

December 2022 ▶ ServiceXp


Yes I have the same problem.
Music assistant not loaded.

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ jspanitz


Look here.

December 2022 ▶ petro


Maybe Ive been doing it incorrectly, but I’ve created a calendar ‘Verjaardagen’ (anniversaries) and added all events in my household.

However, if I find the calendar entity in states, there is only 1 listed, and it doesnt have 8 events connected to it. Only 1. where are my other events? I can see them in the actual Local calendar.

btw, an anniversary would have been nice to simply state the date of the event (birthday…) and not have to state all day, and begin and end date.

Maybe thats a future enhancement?

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ Mariusthvdb

petro Great contributor

You should learn up on how calendars work, they only show the next event. I simply using them as a visible schedule and you can build automations off each calendar. I have separate calendars that do different things. Like one that tells me when to take out the garbage, etc.

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ petro


o thats is really inconvenient then. Too bad.
I was hoping to replace the existing and well known python script with this local calendar, but thats out of the question then. If there is no overview of all events to be made in a single card, it’s of nu real use for me.

1 reply
December 2022


Thanks for this release!
The local calendar was something I really wanted to have since my “waste collection scheduler” did provide calendar entries…
All other changes are also quite good - and a lot of stuff comming together now… :slight_smile:
But right now, the biggest usecase for me is in fact that calendar - as of now.

December 2022


Are the new state sensitive colors configurable? Right now the Lock entity coloring is completely backwards (Orange for the Locked state, which should be green by my logic).

ETA: the default coloring for locks has been fixed and is now a good default. Thanks!

December 2022


When casting a dashboard with tiles using the light-brightness feature, it does not show up on the device it’s being cast to. (In this case a Nest Hub)

I really like them otherwise!

December 2022


Just a follow up.

in Picture Elements cards the ‘–paper-item-icon-color’ still works for the off state of binary sensors. You have to replace the ‘–paper-item-icon-active-color’: red with something like ‘–rgb-state-binary-sensor-color’: 255,0,0
The 3 numbers are Red, Green, and Blue. So 255,0,0 is bright in your face red which is what I want

1 reply
December 2022


A biweekly repeat option for the calendar would be greatly appreciated! Most of my automations would be based on biweekly events, so I’ll hold off on using it until that’s hopefully added in the future.

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ cameron

nickrout Solution Institution

Yet you haven’t posted an issue to here GitHub - music-assistant/hass-music-assistant: Turn your Home Assistant instance into a jukebox, hassle free streaming of your favorite media to Home Assistant media players.

It is a custom integration, this is not the place for support.

December 2022 ▶ jspanitz


Clean your cache in your browser (control/command + shift + r) and it will appear under settings > general

December 2022 ▶ Mysterious-Flamingo


Every 2 weeks is pretty easy with a template sensor and some calculations - here’s an example to play with in dev tools which counts down:

{{ ((14-(((as_timestamp(now().date()) - as_timestamp('2022-11-02')) / 86400)|round(0,'ceil')) % 14) % 14) }}

Irregular events need a calendar (although I just remember when the bins go out a day later after a public holiday).

1 reply
December 2022


How do I add events to the new local calendar? I’ve setup a calendar card but don’t see any option to add events.

1 reply
December 2022

Nick4 Regular

Great job guys, thanks!

December 2022 ▶ FloatingBoater


Thanks, I already have automations set up for biweekly events, but it would be nice to visualize them in the calendar or be able to remove/move just one of the instances without messing around in an automation. For example, I work a compressed schedule at work so I have every second Friday off, but if that Friday happens to be a holiday, then I get the Monday off instead. It would be easier to set odd occurrences like that in the calendar than an in automation.

December 2022 ▶ kongo09

petro Great contributor

Look at the calendar tab

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ petro


Thanks, I didn’t notice this tab before but was expecting a button on the card.

December 2022


I have such a warm, happy and contented feeling right now. A-mazing. My home automation platform is improved and I didn’t write a single line of code. You spectacular fking legends! Thank you

December 2022


Since applying update 2022.12; my input_datetime entities have become unusable because the DATE part of the date time entities are un-editable on the dashboards.

Anyone else having this issue??

1 reply
December 2022


Climate entities now appear as orange when in Idle (Heat) mode. But not actually heating. They turn Red when actually heating. It is extremely difficult to see the difference between Idle and actually heating. I have spent an hour trying to figure out why the boiler was clearly not running, but it looked like it was in Home Assistant. Please please choose more contrasting colours.

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ ServiceXp


Per github, you can edit custom_components/mass/manifest.json and change music-assistant==1.8.7 to music-assistant==1.8.8. It should start, but won’t be fully functional.

1 reply
December 2022


Another flawless upgrade.

(Of course, I only have 9 integrations :slightly_smiling_face:)

Great work!

December 2022 ▶ Mariusthvdb


What python script are you referring to? It might be well known but still I haven’t heard of it.

1 reply
December 2022


Not sure why people are thrilled to see the next proprietary protocol being integrated in an open source project, but everybody to his or her liking :slight_smile:

What does sound interesting is using Shellys as BLE range extenders.
I don’t have any Plus devices yet (and don’t really see any point in upgrading as they offer no real benefit to me), but will this feature require flashing ESPHome or will it work out of the box with stock firmware?
And most importantly: will it work with Tasmota firmware?

December 2022


Thsnks guys! I really love the new colours!

December 2022 ▶ jspanitz


What is the code to write manually in the configuration.yaml?

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ MakeItWork


Yes. Input datetime in dashboards is broken. Not even seeing the date part anymore :face_with_monocle:

1 reply
December 2022


What is the difference between these two?

Local Calendar - Home Assistant (

Calendar - Home Assistant (

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ Zinken


this is my version of it, and there’s a link in the python to the community topic

""" This script creates a sensor that a counts down to the next occurrance """
"""   of a date, like a birthday or anniversary and gives the number of    """
"""                         years as an attribute                          """

"""       Requires python_script: to be enabled in you configuration       """

""" Usage:                                                                 """
"""                                                                        """
""" automation:                                                            """
"""   alias: Refresh John's birthday sensor                                """
"""   trigger:                                                             """
"""     platform: time                                                     """
"""     at: '00:00:01'                                                     """
"""   action:                                                              """
"""     service: python_script.date_countdown                              """
"""     data:                                                              """
"""       name: John                                                       """
"""       type: birthday                                                   """
"""       date: 17/08/1971   #DD/MM/YYYY                                   """

"""  This will create a sensor with entity_id sensor.birthday_john and a   """
"""  friendly name of 'John's birthday' . The sensors value will be the   """
"""   number of days until the birthday, and the attribute 'years' will    """
"""          show how old John will be on his next birthday                """

today =

name = data.get('name')
type = data.get('type')
event = data.get('event')
sensorName = "sensor.{}_{}".format(type , name.replace(" " , "_"))

dateStr = data.get('date')
dateSplit = dateStr.split("/")

dateDay = int(dateSplit[0])
dateMonth = int(dateSplit[1])
dateYear =  int(dateSplit[2])
date =,dateMonth,dateDay)

thisYear = today.year
nextOccur = , dateMonth , dateDay)

numberOfDays = 0
years = int(thisYear) - dateYear

if today < nextOccur:
  numberOfDays = (nextOccur - today).days

elif today > nextOccur:
  nextOccur = , dateMonth , dateDay)
  numberOfDays = int((nextOccur - today).days)
  years = years+1

phrase = 'dag' if numberOfDays == 1 else 'dagen'

    'entity_picture': '/local/family/{}.jpg'.format(name.lower()),
    'unit_of_measurement': phrase,
    'friendly_name': '{} wordt {} over:'.format(name, years),
    'persoon': name,
    'type': '{}'.format(type.title()),
    'years': years,
    'original_date' : '{}-{}-{}'.format(dateDay,dateMonth,dateYear)

binarysensorName = 'binary_sensor.' + sensorName.split('.')[-1]
binarysensorState = 'on' if numberOfDays == 0 else 'off'
hass.states.set(binarysensorName, binarysensorState,
    'persoon': name,
    'type': '{}'.format(type.title()),
    'years': years,
    'original_date' : '{}-{}-{}'.format(dateDay,dateMonth,dateYear),
    'event': event,
    'name': name

run it like:


  - alias: Refresh date countdown sensors
    id: refresh_date_countdown_sensors
    mode: restart
      - platform: state
      - platform: homeassistant
        event: start
      - service: python_script.date_countdown
          name: Me
          type: verjaardag
          date: 01/02/1964
          event: jarig

and sensos and binary sensors are created. You can then use these for all kinds of automations and triggers in HA, use the attributes etc.

Or simply list them all in a singel card, with this decluttering template

  type: custom:template-entity-row
  entity: '[[entity]]'
  state: >
    {% if states[config.entity] is not none %}
    {{states(config.entity)}} {{state_attr(config.entity,'unit_of_measurement')}}
    {% else %} Not yet set
    {% endif %}
  secondary: >
    {% if states[config.entity] is not none %}
    {{state_attr('[[entity]]','type')}}: {{state_attr('[[entity]]','original_date')}}
    {% else %} Not yet set
    {% endif %}
December 2022 ▶ stigvi


The former is a new calendar which is hosted on your home assistant. The latter provides the framework to use an existing caldav or google calendar in home assistant.

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ DutchAnimal

nickrout Solution Institution

The old one also shows events that are generated by HA, and unrelated to ical or google calendar. I think that is why it is puzzling to have the new one.

The old one

December 2022


Well, same game as after the previous release when card borders were introduced. Now the user questions are coming in again as to why the accent colours have suddenly disappeared.

December 2022


on the colors of the various domains , I’ve just found out we still need to set the state_color: true to have them use the colors in the entities cards. Which is odd, because the more-info of the entity does actually use the domain state color by itself.

this simply is a bug:

binary_sensor.opentherm_heating ‘on’, in other words heating is now represented as light blue…?

December 2022


Great work, thank you!

One little more Thing would be great… If it would be possible to substract two or more sensor entities and not only sum them. Small Addition but for people with Solar input it would be fantastic. Thanks a lot

1 reply
December 2022


I added local calendar integration. Used the card calendar where I added a local calendar entity, the calendar was displayed, but I have no idea how to add an event to the local calendar?

3 replies
December 2022


I cannot use device_tracker.see service anymore? On startup I get errors about it. I use it to transform input boolean as a device tracker

1 reply
December 2022


Very great project.
But the disk led of my case is always blinking since this update (2022.12.0) last morning.
Any idea ? It was not the case before the update and I have not change anything nor install something else.

December 2022


Well, well… This reminds me how the things were with Firefox and probably still are. Core team started to follow their vision how the things should look like, and this probably is one of the main reasons why their user base has dramatically dropped over the last years. Especially after catastrophes like Proton UI and such.

People were just scared to update anymore, fearing of “what they are going to break this time”. I personally jumped of the train and have moved to Vivaldi as my main browser. Things seem to be much more consistent there, although development is still going on under the hood.

People must have possibility to choose. Colors and how things look like are important to people, even if you are not a theme developer.

It is no that easy just to switch systems, when you are dealing with automation, but history and years working as business consultant have taught me, that one should build everything in one’s life so, that if necessary, it is easy to vote with one’s feet, if ever necessary.

For now, I’m lazily following the discussion and trying to get some kind of understanding what this UI policy is going to look like and what kind of work maintaining the things set to my personal liking is going to require in the future.

Have not updated yet.

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ TrilIiard


First of all, thanks for the work that you all put into HA!
I agree with Trilliard. A possibility to perform a subtraction directly in a helper would be great. Perhaps it would be possible to add “signs” for each added entity in the already existing sum helper? In that way one could chose to add or subtract each added entity to/from the sum helper entity.

December 2022


history-graph no longer showing a key/names of the entities?
show_names: false seems to be the new default, true was default before, as per History Graph Card - Home Assistant

2 replies
December 2022 ▶ pepe59


I figured it out. The event must be added in the calendar on the sidebar, it is not possible on the tab.

December 2022 ▶ NorfolkMustard


yes, that seems the case, missed that in #beta.

PR made


see: correction for show_names: default value by Mariusthvdb · Pull Request #25193 · home-assistant/ · GitHub
it was a bug

December 2022


Great to see the Integrating of Sensirion’s BLE protocol. The CO2 dongle is cheap with reliable measurements.

December 2022


Adding events to the local calendar is only through the UI? Or can I also do this scripted?

December 2022


Thanks for the feedbacks for new color system.

During the State of the Open Home, we presented a new concept of dashboard and it was really well received : Link the the concept.

Why we do this change ?

We started by adding color to tile card (and there is very good feedbacks on Mushroom card for this).
Before the update, it was not possible de change the color based of state and domain. We saw that many people relies of third party card to change color (e.g. card_mod, custom-ui…). We want to offer this by default so people don’t have to install third party scripts that can be broken at every release.

Also, the history was using random colors. Now you can have an complete overview of your devices.

What can I do if I don’t like the new color ?

You can do feedbacks here and explain why you don’t like it with respect. We are all human and we don’t do changes just to break your things by pleasure.

I already saw very good feedbacks :

13 replies
December 2022


Great release, I love the features addition on the tile cards! Would be great if next to a light intensity feature, also a color temp feature would become available!

December 2022 ▶ pepe59


They can be added from the calendar panel. There is an “Add Event” button.

December 2022 ▶ NorfolkMustard


That is a bug, that I already fixed yesterday: Restore correct default legend behavior for history graph card by spacegaier · Pull Request #14612 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

For now the workaround is to add show_names: true in the card config.

December 2022


Someone was faster than me :slight_smile:

December 2022 ▶ piitaya


please also consider the heating color? not sure how to, maybe have a device_class: heating?

in any case a heating heater shouldn’t be blue :wink:

second, please point us to the color var used for the regular ‘on’ state, so we can adapt that in hour themes.
The doors currently are blue, but when I check frontend/ha-style.ts at efda2ab626ff59e5937d67cea50e7a0886635b5e · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub the state-on-color is ‘66a61e’, which is green.

same goes for a regular binary_sensor (no class set), which we had following the regular color scheme for on, and now also shows blue, where the actuator, the boolean above does show the correct ‘On’ color:

using this in my theme:

  state-switch-color: '#ffd700'
  state-automation-color: '#ffd700'
  state-cover-color: '#ffd700'
  state-fan-color: '#ffd700'
  state-light-color: '#ffd700'
  state-person-home-color: '#008000'
  badge-person-not-home-color: '#636B75'
  state-person-zone-color: '#800080'

I would have hoped to to follow the state-switch-color. Or, that is what I want (it was me former active color)


found the binary color in frontend/ha-style.ts at efda2ab626ff59e5937d67cea50e7a0886635b5e · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub and set it now to the same colors:

  state-switch-color: '#ffd700'
  state-automation-color: '#ffd700'
  state-cover-color: '#ffd700'
  state-fan-color: '#ffd700'
  state-light-color: '#ffd700'
  state-binary-sensor-color: '#ffd700'
  state-person-home-color: '#008000'
  badge-person-not-home-color: '#636B75'
  state-person-zone-color: '#800080'

only to now see more clearly, the boolean does not follow the same color scheme as a switch apparently? It is still the ‘amber’ color.

So, now go looking for the boolean variable…

same file, a bit deeper…added state-input-boolean-color: '#ffd700' now too, and the view is back to where it was before:

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ Doppelherz


Still get this error:

Unable to find service device_tracker.see

alias: Homekit after Homeassistant Startup
description: ""
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: start
condition: []
  - data_template:
      dev_id: homekit_doppelherz
      location_name: |
        {% if is_state('input_boolean.doppelherzhome', 'on') %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
    service: device_tracker.see
mode: parallel
initial_state: true
max: 10
1 reply
December 2022


Shelly and MQTT devices stopped working :frowning:

Manually configured MQTT sensor(s) found under platform key 'sensor', please move to the mqtt integration key, see
Manually configured MQTT cover(s) found under platform key 'cover', please move to the mqtt integration key, see
Manually configured MQTT light(s) found under platform key 'light', please move to the mqtt integration key, see
Manually configured MQTT switch(s) found under platform key 'switch', please move to the mqtt integration key, see

1 reply
December 2022


This does not yet support your idea:

December 2022


How does one activate the Bluetooth Proxy on Shelly Plus 1?

I am running 0.12 on the Shelly and HA 2022.12

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ louisp


@louisp you can go the the device panel and click configure

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ Mariusthvdb


What the device class of your binary sensor? We will change the blue for binary sensor.

For binary sensor you have 2 variables :

3 replies
December 2022 ▶ Mariusthvdb



Had to select the Device first, then Configure!


December 2022



Love the new colours!!

December 2022


it has none:

currently there is no applicable binary device_class to use I am afraid.

I probably need to go back to custom-ui to do:

        icon_color: >
          return (state === 'on') ? 'var(--alert-color)' : 'var(--primary-color)';

unless Core frontend would introduce state color in the config

setting that on the heaters now with:

      <<: &alert_color
            icon_color: >
              return (state === 'on') ? 'var(--alert-color)' : 'var(--primary-color)';

      <<: *alert_color

      <<: *alert_color

and bring back:

given the fact only my single climate entity already has 3 heating binaries, I would think many users have many of these. Introducing a new class for that would be justifiable.

@piitaya of the other colors that come to mind, I feel --rgb-state-update-color: var(--rgb-green-color); would need adjustment too:

an available update requires an action. Green would indicate all is fine, and no action is required. In the current color settings, the best would be the alert color. Hence maybe add update device_class to the alerting binaries?

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ piitaya


Why do different device trackers get different colors for the “home” state? Pveviously they were both green/red, now one is blue/grey and the other is green/grey:

The same color differences apply to the person state (home/not home), above screenshot is the raw device tracker entities. I would expect these two entities use the same pair of colors because they are both the identical type of sensor, they even result from the exact identical brand of hardware (Companion app on Samsung S10) for both devices / Persons shown in the screenshot above.

Why is this and how can I change it back to make it uniform and consistent again?

3 replies
December 2022


hm… I’ve created three local calendars yesterday:


I’ve also created an entry for the third one (together / Gemeinsam)…
When I had a look into the calendar today, the third one was gone:


Only my personal one, the one from my wife - and the default one from the waste scheduler are visible…

In the developer tools, I can see, that the calendar is unavailable:

It seems, that the calendar cannot handle some letters in an appointment - in this case the “ü”

Logger: homeassistant.components.calendar
Source: components/local_calendar/
Integration: Kalender (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:45:37 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:45:37
Error while setting up local_calendar platform for calendar

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 281, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.shield(task)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/local_calendar/", line 44, in async_setup_entry
    calendar = IcsCalendarStream.calendar_from_ics(ics)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ical/", line 69, in calendar_from_ics
    stream = cls.from_ics(content)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ical/", line 51, in from_ics
    components = parse_content(content)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ical/parsing/", line 91, in parse_content
    token_results = parse_contentlines(lines)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ical/parsing/", line 100, in parse_contentlines
    return [parser.parse_string(line, parse_all=True) for line in lines if line]
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ical/parsing/", line 100, in <listcomp>
    return [parser.parse_string(line, parse_all=True) for line in lines if line]
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyparsing/", line 1141, in parse_string
    raise exc.with_traceback(None)
pyparsing.exceptions.ParseException: Expected end of text, found 'ü'  (at char 20), (line:1, col:21)

Which seems to be an issue with character-sets / code-pages ?

2 replies
December 2022


On my pi4 I cannot install matter Server because it is not supported by my OS and/or processor. Can. Somebody elaborate on that? I do not have HaOS installed - will this be mandatory even on the future?

December 2022 ▶ wklink


Thanks, I did see that. I also saw this was a known issue during beta, unfortunate there was no mention of this in breaking changes.

1 reply
December 2022


It`s greateful! Thanks for all people developer team!

December 2022 ▶ prof7bit


Please open issue on Github so we can debug it :slightly_smiling_face:
I do not have issue on my side.

December 2022 ▶ ServiceXp


Music assistant is a custom component. Custom components are developed by some users on their free time, it can take more time to have it compatible with the HA version.

December 2022


Nice release!

The tile cards with the feature options is a good improvement.

But one thing should be nice to have when you use the slider of brightness of a light, that the percentage is updated realtime when sliding to left/right.

December 2022 ▶ CChris


Fix for that is already on its way. I commented in your raised issue.

December 2022 ▶ CChris

petro Great contributor

It’s most likely the encoding on the ics file in .storage that contains your calendar events. You can edit the file and remove the character, reload the calendar, and it should work. That’s how I’ve been editing my events

December 2022 ▶ prof7bit


Well I had the same thing but the strangest thing happened that all colours returned back to ‘normal’ while I was using HA…!?

Let me know if I am the only one experiencing this?

December 2022 ▶ prof7bit


agreed very odd behavior:

(Jtc is a zone obviously …) but changing from a zone to home doesn’t not change the color to green. Also notice the fact the person entities dont get the same Home color…

especially considering the colors are expliticly set in the theme:

  state-person-home-color: '#008000'
  badge-person-not-home-color: '#636B75'
  state-person-zone-color: '#800080'

which does seem to work on the person badges.

The not_home color in the history-graph however, is not the grey I configure in the theme

1 reply
December 2022


New colors are great with the new tile card but not with “older cards” like the glance card. I mixed doors with windows and covers and my dashboard looks like a child toy with all these different colors 🫣😆 (was only blue and yellow before)
My only option now is to disable color based on state but everything is blue now… hard to see what is on and what is off

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ Mariusthvdb


Found the issue. I pushed a fix : Fixes state history colors edge cases by piitaya · Pull Request #14626 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

1 reply
December 2022


this a bug?

disabled the Local calendar:

Scherm­afbeelding 2022-12-08 om 11.42.19

yet Calendar still shows in the left side menu:

albeit without a calendar name listed, the actual events I made earlier are still no longer displayed.
There is no way we can get it to not show in the Dashboard menu, so, how do I do that

December 2022 ▶ piitaya


thanks. confess I dont grasp what that PR does just yet, but have faith you have fixed it :wink: cool, thanks for the swift and immediate action!

wait, I see it now, last state was always used. the PR should fix that per entity in the graph. And because showing several entities in 1 graph, it was as if the same state was colored differently on another entity/person. that should be fixed too then. Nice.

December 2022 ▶ Pyiotrek


Yes, this was already deprecated in 2022.6 (so 6 months ago) and is now broken.

See the breaking change in the changelogs of 2022.12:

YAML configuration of MQTT entities under the platform key (e.g., light), which was deprecated in Home Assistant Core 2022.6, is no longer supported. The configuration must instead be done under the mqtt key.

The legacy MQTT device tracker is no longer supported. See the documentation for the supported MQTT device tracker configuration.

As of this release, you should now use the modern configuration schema for all manually configured MQTT entities. Please note that this does not impact MQTT discovery, for example, Zigbee2MQTT.

(@jbouwh - #82102) (documentation)

December 2022


Upgrade was smooth and quick as normal.

As a long-time user of Mushrooms I love the direction we are going, but i have to admit the change in colours did catch me out and took a while to fix. Detailing the exact css that needed modified would have been helpful, having the colour configurable on the frontend would have been better! :wink:

December 2022


Great release again! :+1:

Is it possible to edit an event in the calendar?
As far as I can see it’s only possible to delete the event…

1 reply
December 2022


You can vote for it here.

1 reply
December 2022


any chance we could up the granularity on the battery colors? experience shows that many batteries remain in the green zone for a long time, and only after lowering into the mid 50% or so, start accelerating downwards. Having more than 3 colors for high, medium and low is a ‘nice to have’


        icon_color: >
          if (['unavailable','unknown'].includes(state)) return 'steelblue';
          if (state > 75) return 'green';
          if (state > 50) return 'gold';
          if (state > 25) return 'orange';
          if (state > 10) return 'brown';
          return 'red';

btw, this image is now obsolete Binary Sensor - Home Assistant

any chance the Frontend team could update that, its not something we end-users can easily do.

December 2022 ▶ piitaya


This is the climate entity - in Idle (heat) mode.


This is the climate entity - in Heating (heat) mode.


Can you see the problem?
Previously it went yellow when it was actually heating, now I can’t tell at a glance if the heating is actually on or not.

December 2022 ▶ Tamsy

petro Great contributor

Pretty sure you don’t need a FR for this as it’s already planned and coming.

1 reply