0.102: Official Android App, Almond, Scene editor

OK great, thank

Yes that works great, thanks

Same problem here with Netatmo Weather Station: outside module and 2 additional indoor modules are discovered, but the main one is missing.

Any news how to use this new notify via Huawei LTE router? It disappeared from list of services :frowning: I have it added via configuration yaml with notify and recipent.

I have exactly the same problem. :frowning:

I’ve temporarily fixed the Netatmo problem by using the Netatmo component from the previous version, 0.101.3. This is by no means a permanent fix, just a temporary workaround.

Download the 0.101.3 source:
0.101.3 https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/releases/tag/0.101.3

Extract the zip, upload all files from home-assistant-0.101.3/homeassistant/components/netatmo to your Home Assistant installation in config/custom_components/netatmo

Restart your Home Assistant instance.

This is a temporary fix until it gets fixed in the code, but worked for me. If the issue gets fixed in a future Home Assistant release, don’t forget to delete the netatmo folder in your custom_components directory or you will keep on using old code.

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Hi. So i believe I have found an issue with the scene editor. Is this where I would explain it+
So first my vscode is complaining about. https://i.imgur.com/FTjHOlu.png, which according to the release should be an iD that is ok.
so over to the next problem: If you have running automations which uses scenes, then the scene will start with the default values from the scenes.yaml, but then the values will change ones the automation is running…

Hmm, Almond didn’t pull in all my light switches and I don’t see how to discover/add more
Also what happens if I use the forget command for an entity? (besides the obvious, back to question# 1, how to get it back etc)

edit: either I missed it or it showed up later, now it wont control the switch in question but is controlling other switches. I just asked it to turn on kitchen light switches and it turned on the living room light instead. That is the light I had successfully controlled earlier…

edit2: okay restarting Almond add-on seemed to clear a lot of this up

Hi All,

After upgrading to this version all my battery’s dropped from like 95 % to 37 %.

I’m using the ZHA communication true a ConBee 2 usb stick.

If so i need to order some new battery’s… :slight_smile:

:wink: Carlo

Why do I not see the scen I created in the GUI editor? I can see it in the yaml file.

Did you add the scenes.yaml to you configuration.yaml?

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Crap!! Error 40 on my side!!
Edit: If you just rtfm things usually work :wink:

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Thermostat card is borked. Almond throws “oops… an error occurred” every time.

Hi Franck,

Thanks for the WLED integration! I understand it’s a first version.

I have it wired with some sk6812 led which has a separate white channel which you can brighten or dim without changing the colors. But in home assistant this is being shown as color temperature. Maybe some images to give you an idea what i mean:

This is in the WLED webui with white channel/ value:

This is in Home assistant with color temperature:

And this is how it’s suppose to be with white value:

I hope you are willing to fix this

King regards

I only have RGB LEDs and don’t have a White Channel Slider in WLED app.
Colour Temperature in HA is working for my non-RGBW LEDs, it mimics cool white and warm white with the RGB LEDs

Thats the difference between ws2812 and sk6812 leds. As you can see in my wled screenshot above, with sk6812 you get a brightness slider for the rgb part, a brightness slider for the white part and a “master” brightness slider. With sk6812 you can blend in/ mix colors with white which gives a nice hue effect.

o, and somehow it seems like homeassistant isn’t following the transition configured in wled. Turning the leds on/off or brightness or colors with ha happens without transition but with the app or with webui it does.

I’ve received this feedback elsewhere as well, will definitely take a look. Thanks for letting me know :+1:


From what version of HA have you updated? I was on the latest, use Hue, and have no problem, so “it can work”: now just a matter of why yours isn’t…

Same here. Netatmo CO2 sensor is gone.

It has already been fixed and should ship with the next release. PR #28899

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