0.103 Counter services gone? counter.reset

I have an automation that use the service counter.reset. But since upgrade I cant find it, and the list that was provided in the release notes don’t mention the counter services? Am I wrong or have it gone?

Regards Rich

It’s still listed as an available service in the docs.

Are you getting any errors when the automation runs (and tries to call that service)?

Yes I get errors in the log and if I look under services it looks like this:

And the log says thi: 2019-12-12 00:01:30 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation] Error while executing automation automation.reset_counter_pannstarter. Service not found for call_service at pos 1: Unable to find service counter/reset

Could you post your automation & the counter config?

Do you see the counter listed on the STATES page?

Ohhh stupid, stupid me!!! I removed the counter when I did a new VEnv some time ago… And therefore it wasnt in the states page. So sorry for making this topic. Then I noticed about the services in the release notes and saw the errors in the log my brain spinned to fast :wink: Thanks anyway!!

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Anyway, there’s something wrong with the counter.