0.103: Happy Holidays, Service calls, StarLine, GeoNet NZ and Proxmox

Am i wrong or there’s no release notes for 103.2? I cannot understand what changed, so that after reboot on updating I cannot start hacs anymore.

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You are correct that there are no change logs posted for 103.2. Some times they lag behind. I assume since there was a big issue with 103.1 that 103.2 is just 103.1 but with the bug removed. I am surprised you were able to use 103.1 at all as most people I saw reporting were saying that 103.1 wouldn’t load.

Thanks for that. Going to have to compile Python from scratch because I don’t want to use Ubuntu, despite Python 3.6 being supported until ~end 2021.

If you read just a sentence or two further:

You could run it in Docker and never have to worry about Python versions again.

Running Ubuntu won’t make any difference, as Ubuntu Server 18.04 runs Python 3.6.9.

Toss it in Docker (or K3s) and stop worrying about what version of Python Home Assistant needs, the container will take care of it.



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Oh, of course! Now, compiling Python by hand and installing it definitely isn’t… I mean, it’s not like Python is used as a core component in modern Linux distros or anything…

The docker image for 0.103.1 is still available.
I just did a docker pull for that version since that was the latest version mentioned in the release notes. But since it didn’t start the UI, and no errors in the log, I came here and noticed immediately that 0.103.2 was available…and it seems to be working fine.

I am well aware that I could use Docker, but don’t want to. There are many things I could do. Has the logic for deprecating 3.6, which has another 24+ months support left it, been shared? I’ve not seen anything, other than “3.8 is out now”, which is hardly sufficient justification (IMO). There’s a good reason some distros keep things consistent for long term support. Why insist on something which isn’t commonly available yet?

Took some time to find it.

Yes, as discussed in architectural issue #167, Home Assistant has decided to only support two Python versions. There’s no reason to support old versions since Docker completely eliminates the concern over Python versions for the overwhelming vast majority of users that use Home Assistant via Docker (or other container platform like HassIO/HassOS K8s).

Regardless of what you want to do, your choices are fiddle with compiling Python from source and risking breaking your OS, install something ill suited for server usage like Fedora or a non-LTS Ubuntu, or use Docker or K8s.

There’s a reason why basically no distro bumps Python versions after an OS release, only updating versions alongside OS version releases. Upgrading Python versions tends to have a habit of breaking so many system tools that depend on the old version that the old rational way to fix it is just reloading the OS.

With the recent-ish addition of the devcontainer for doing Home Assistant development I’m honestly surprised they haven’t just deprecated support for all non-container install methods. They at least dumped Hassbian which is a good start.

As a developer, I appreciate them pulling in the latest Python support, and appreciate them not wasting manpower trying to support old versions when Docker makes it dead simple to not need to.

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Comment like this show why Docker is being shoehorned in as the solution to all ills, world peace, and global warming. But that’s enough of a old git’s (and ex-dev) grumbling about the lack of formal dev processes and change control any more. Just release and fix it before anyone notices if it breaks.

I can confirm… I also had netdisco-error for Xiaomi-aqara gw in ‘‘Check Home Assistant configuration’ but was fine after upgrade to 0.103.2.

It’s not a solution for everything, no. But what it certainly does and does well is dependency management. No more wasting time tracking down some bullshit random bugs caused by someone running dependencies newer or older than what you build and test against. With Docker you know what version they’re using, it ships with the rest of the container.

And as for the last part of your comment… Have you ever looked to see the process changes to through for Home Assistant? Plenty of review and approvers for every change. With as many moving pieces as Home Assistant has there’s going to be bugs. I track the previous minor version and haven’t had any noticable issues, ever. I don’t get why people update the minute things are released.


You mean like 0.103.1?

Seems to describe 0.103.1 . Having said that I am yet to see major breakage on any other release of HA, and I have been using it over 3 years.

Just a couple releases ago there was a similar situation with a rapid fire point patch an hour or two post release. But again, why are people so eager to update? Unless there’s some “must have” feature or major bugfix in the latest version just wait a couple weeks. I bet 9 out of 10 people running into issues here updated with any actual “real” reason, and could have just stayed on 0.102 without missing anything at all.

Because we take our rolls as beta testers seriously :slight_smile:


Tuya lights not working in home assistant 103.2 for me (show as unavailable) but work in app. Tuya smart plugs are working though

check the ip address hasn’t changed?

Same IPs. I use static leases or static IPs for everything

Thanks @firstof9

I don’t have any automations in HA, but some scripts

So if I have

      - service: media_player.turn_on
          entity_id: media_player.yamaha_receiver_salotto
      - delay: "00:00:02"
      - service: media_player.volume_set
          entity_id: media_player.yamaha_receiver_salotto
          volume_level: 0.48
      - delay: "00:00:02"
      - service: media_player.play_media
          entity_id: media_player.yamaha_receiver_salotto
          media_content_type: "NET RADIO"
          media_content_id: >
            {% if is_state("input_select.yamaha_radio_station", "1.fm Bay Smooth Jazz") %} Radio>Preferiti>1.FM - Bay Smooth Jazz

should I do anything?


The docs clearly state that any service call that was previously named something that started with media_player.yamaha now simply starts with yamaha. So you only need to change any service calls that are named media_player.yamaha[someshitfollows]

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