0.103: Happy Holidays, Service calls, StarLine, GeoNet NZ and Proxmox

I just checked and I do have both ssdp and zeroconf in my configuration as well as netdisco. I may just hold off and wait on an upgrade until after next week. I am doing a full upgrade on my desktop (hopefully with a Christmas bonus lol) So… While I am picking up the parts, I will probably grab a pi4 and upgrade my hardware for that too, That will give me a chance to see if there is any problems with restoring a backup to the new pi

Yes - I guess I can take the leap. I’ve done this all before where I just backup everything and if it fails, I just restore to an older version and restore from snapshot. I just don’t want to stay too far back on versions and I’m no guru to step through the intricate changes.

This is why you just need to read all the breaking changes. A lot of the time they won’t even relate to your code anyway, so that particular version will not have any nasty effects. I haven’t had to make code changes due to breaking changes in version upgrades for quite some time now, it simply depends on what components you have setup. I just look at what components are affected by the latest version and if I know my code doesn’t use them, hit upgrade.

ya’ll know of this site, which lists the breaking changes nicely version to version:

so much easier then browsing the home-assistant.io website for changes per release imho.

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Thanks, that site it great, bookmarked. :slight_smile:

Therefore, this release marks the last release, which supports Python 3.6.

If you haven’t upgraded your system to Python 3.7 yet, it is recommended to do so, to ensure you can keep using Home Assistant in the future.

The default version of Python in RHEL/CentOS 8 is Python 3.6

Thanks for that. Going to have to compile Python from scratch because I don’t want to use Ubuntu, despite Python 3.6 being supported until ~end 2021. :no_mouth: :anguished:

I just upgraded from 0.103 to 0.103.1 and I am unable to reach the HASS web interface. Not much in the log, the HASS service sits at %100 CPU. If I downgrade to 0.103 and it loads up just fine. Is anyone else seeing this?

Same here. Nothing usefull in the logs.
Looking at the debug log, seems like all entities up and running, but no frontend comes up.

Yeah, seeing the same thing here. I’m trying to run hass --script check_config now, but aside from installing a few packages it appears to be doing the same (just using 100% CPU)

So upgrade to 0.103.1 and you have more time for other things over the holidays. :rofl:

Same here, running 103.1 in a venv on Ubuntu Server 16.04LTS. hass will not load and UI is not available. Rolling back to 103.0. Was excited to get my z-wave thermostat working! :frowning:

I’m having the same problem

Upgraded from 103.0 to 103.1 and no front end came back up. I ssh’d into the console, and downgraded via ha update --version=0.103.0 and all is well again.

0.103.1 has been pulled now due to these issues…

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I don’t understand what I should do with the Yamaha media player breaking changes.

My media player definition for Yamaha is

  - platform: yamaha
    host: MY_IP
      - "AV1"
      - "AV2"
      - "AV3"
      - "AV4"
      - "HDMI5"
      - "HDMI6"
      - "AUDIO1"
      - "AUDIO2"
      HDMI1: "Set Top Box"
      HDMI2: "Chromecast"
      HDMI3: "PS4"
      HDMI4: "Fire TV"
      - "Zone_2"
      Main_Zone: "Salotto"

Should I change anything here? As far as I understood, I shouldn’t do anything here.

After upgrading, if I look in the States filtering for Yamaha I still see


In my .yaml files I still reference it with

        entity: media_player.yamaha_receiver_salotto

What should I do?


Just the service calls changed for yamaha, do you have any automations working with the receiver?

I asked in the HACS thread too, but I think it’s an issue with HA:
I just upgraded Home Assistant from 0.103.1 to 0.103.2 and hacs integration is gone… “Component error: hacs - Integration ‘hacs’ not found.” and obviously all components depending on hacs. What can I do? Is there a way to downgrade to 0.103.1? Did that happened only to me?

No, it works here

Perhaps so.

I don’t have a fix but my HACS is still there and working on 103.2.