0.104.1 - 68 entities are offline :-(

What the … happened here?
All the google cast’s are off line, all the esphome’s have duplicates, the zigbee (deconz) has gone haywire.
Geeez. I know how to spend the weekend now :frowning:

Not sure about the google cast, but the duplicates should be expected (just delete the old ones).

Yes, but what about the deconz stuff.
The Hass.IO is updated as well, and now it doesn’t react on the zigbee stuff, it doesn’t even change states inside the Deconz, I’ve checked that the ID of the stick is correct, but no updates.
I had to remove all the esphome, because the real ones got _2 attached too all the ID’s.
This has to be the most cumbersome update I’ve done yet…

Same weirdness here…
Update from 103.6 to 104.1 (took a long long time as if it was doing each update step by step)
Config is Docker on Ubuntu server 19.
Installed addons :

  • Configurator
  • ESPHome
  • Mosquitto
  • Node Red
  • SSH Server
  • Tasmo Admin
  • Deconz
    Log2ram (to spare SD Card)

Several entities have been renamed during update, so I had to review all my Node Red Automations to set new entities names.
Aside, as with previous updates, history database is reset.

I had actually gone through all my esphome stuff, and had deleted all the dublets BEFORE upgrading, and they still appeared.
I sincerely hope this is not a recurring theme for the coming updates.

NONE of the things in the list was a surprise for me, it was all the other stuff that was a unwelcome surprise. I’ve gotten my chromecasts back, and they all changed names (AGAIN).
It is also obvious that this release was not as big a success than the previous ones, otherwise we wouldn’t have gotten to 104.2 in 2 days.