0.105: Safe mode, Headers & Footers, New Zones Editor, Garmin, Sighthound

if I’m not mistaken you should establish an SSH connection to Synology

Same here, the new panel is great but I’m missing the colors to indicate running, stopped, or upgrade available.

I have upgraded to 0.105.2 and I see the new Supervisor panel, but I can’t see the new Configuration Panel and I don’t seem to have the Zone Editor? Why would this be?

Try a hard refresh in the web browser, sometimes I’ve found that this has been necessary to pick up frontend changes in new versions.

You are a genius! This worked like magic. Thanks for the help! :+1:

welcome to the club. here is the source btw.

I’ve just updated my Hass.io to 0.105.2 and almost everything worked (apart for my custom component because devs made a change to core and guess what - it’s not a breaking change despite custom components being broken).

Anyway, it works and I can see funny automation icons next to automations in Lovelace cards in my desktop Chrome… but in Android Chrome it still displays old icons despite a couple of clear cache. Anyone else seeing that?

Could I please have some help with state_color. Before the update I had an entity filter card looking like this:-
Hallway Front color

The icons are no longer lit up, how do I implement the state_color variable for the whole card, I have tried


I have also tried enabling state_color for each entity ( commented out ) but I get a syntax error.

So, updated and then downgraded after 2 days. Unifi controller drops connect like 10 times every restart, up, down, up, down. And sometimes with no reason at all. Nabu casa remoted controll wont start at all. Im back at 0.104.3 and will stay here for a while now.

I just learned how to do it and posted it here:

To make the state_color option apply to each entity in entities do this:

        - type: entity-filter
            state_color: true
            - binary_sensor.movement_detected
            - binary_sensor.movement_detected_long
            - binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d0002253c90

If want it to apply on a per-entity basis, do this:

        - type: entity-filter
            - entity: binary_sensor.movement_detected
              state_color: true
            - binary_sensor.movement_detected_long
            - entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d0002253c90
              state_color: true

Thank you Taras for taking the time to help me out, I have used the first solution with success.

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So this doesn’t work:

      - type: vertical-stack
          - type: entities
            title: Security & Home
            show_header_toggle: false
              state_color: true
              - entity: input_boolean.alarmgaragedoor
                secondary_info: last-changed
              - entity: switch.sonoff51083
                secondary_info: last-changed
              - entity: switch.sonoff63719
                secondary_info: last-changed

But this does:

      - type: vertical-stack
          - type: entities
            title: Security & Home
            show_header_toggle: false
              - entity: input_boolean.alarmgaragedoor
                secondary_info: last-changed
                state_color: true
              - entity: switch.sonoff51083
                secondary_info: last-changed
                state_color: true
              - entity: switch.sonoff63719
                secondary_info: last-changed
                state_color: true
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I didn’t try the combination shown in your first example (using both an entity-wide option, state_color, and entity-specific options, secondary_info). Perhaps once you define an entity-specific option you are no longer permitted to define entity-wide options? Or it’s a bug. :man_shrugging:

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I always assume I’m missing/not understanding something rather than a bug.

I just have a bunch of binary sensors (ping sensors in this case, just to see if anything is down on my network. I display them in an entities card.

  - entity: binary_sensor.media_server
  - entity: binary_sensor.pi_hole
  - entity: binary_sensor.foyer_light_1
  - entity: binary_sensor.foyer_light_2
  - entity: binary_sensor.upstairs_hallway_light_1
  - entity: binary_sensor.upstairs_hallway_light_2
  - entity: binary_sensor.hd_homerun
  - entity: binary_sensor.philips_hue_hub
  - entity: binary_sensor.printer_study
  - entity: binary_sensor.weather_server
  - entity: binary_sensor.test32_status
  - entity: binary_sensor.kitchen_status
show_header_toggle: false
title: Hosts Up
type: entities
  state_color: true

doesn’t work, it does with individual ones:

  - entity: binary_sensor.media_server
    state_color: true # and it works for each one I add this to
  - entity: binary_sensor.pi_hole
  - entity: binary_sensor.foyer_light_1
  - entity: binary_sensor.foyer_light_2
  - entity: binary_sensor.upstairs_hallway_light_1
  - entity: binary_sensor.upstairs_hallway_light_2
  - entity: binary_sensor.hd_homerun
  - entity: binary_sensor.philips_hue_hub
  - entity: binary_sensor.printer_study
  - entity: binary_sensor.weather_server
  - entity: binary_sensor.test32_status
  - entity: binary_sensor.kitchen_status
show_header_toggle: false
title: Hosts Up
type: entities

It doesn’t get nested under card: like you had it, that’s just for entity-filter card. For the standard Entities card it’s a top-level option just like show_header_toggle: and title etc.

Try this:

      - type: vertical-stack
          - type: entities
            title: Security & Home
            show_header_toggle: false
            state_color: true
              - entity: input_boolean.alarmgaragedoor
                secondary_info: last-changed
              - entity: switch.sonoff51083
                secondary_info: last-changed
              - entity: switch.sonoff63719
                secondary_info: last-changed

and for @nickrout same thing for yours.

  - entity: binary_sensor.media_server
  - entity: binary_sensor.pi_hole
  - entity: binary_sensor.foyer_light_1
  - entity: binary_sensor.foyer_light_2
  - entity: binary_sensor.upstairs_hallway_light_1
  - entity: binary_sensor.upstairs_hallway_light_2
  - entity: binary_sensor.hd_homerun
  - entity: binary_sensor.philips_hue_hub
  - entity: binary_sensor.printer_study
  - entity: binary_sensor.weather_server
  - entity: binary_sensor.test32_status
  - entity: binary_sensor.kitchen_status
state_color: true
show_header_toggle: false
title: Hosts Up
type: entities

Thanks Sean… one of your earlier examples threw me off… I thought I tried that before but apparently not as yours is working for me now. Cheers.

Thank you too @SeanM. As usual PEBKAC.


I upgraded to 0.105.2 and HassOS 3.9 today. The upgrade itself seemed to work great, but lots of things broke afterward.
ESPHome can no longer do OTA updates, Node-Red stop functioning altogether (redoing that installation).
I did 0.105.2 first then the OS, did I do the wrong order. Should I have expected so many issues with this update? All my components were up to their latest and greatest version before upgrading (jus to make sure).

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Why is there still no warning like “Do not install 105.2 it still not reliable with Z-wave…” or other things…
One solution would be to FORCE new version program to check if Check Home Assistant Configuration was run before. It would avoid bad surprises…

WTF? esphome is a completely separate application. How can updating home assistant or hassos affect it?