0.105: Safe mode, Headers & Footers, New Zones Editor, Garmin, Sighthound

do you have z-wave devices? that was my problem with 105

If you have the netatmocomponent entered into your configuration.yaml (and did not read the breaking changes proper) home assistant core will throw a real temper tantrum and crashes hard (like 4000 lines of errors for me) without any clear error pointing to the netatmo component.

Remove it from configuration.yaml and do the UI integration. Then it all worked like a charm

Dont be like me and not read the Breaking Changes proper! :slight_smile:


That’s why I always run the config check before restarting HA core after an update. :wink:

Can’t you consider a global setting?

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I update my HA from CLI (hassio ha update) and it does all (including a restart) automatically… so how do you do that?

I use HA core in a virtual env. hass --script check_config does the trick.


oh, I’m running hass.io so it’s different :wink:

Running a generic install of HassIO on an RPi with DietPi and serious issues since upgrading to 0.105.

Twice now the webUI stops working, an existing SSH session to the base system does not allow any commands to be executed and netdata shows excessive processor usage.

It could be one of the add-ins I suppose.

root@DietPi-HassIO:/mnt/dietpi_userdata/pywws-weather/www# htop
-bash: htop: command not found
root@DietPi-HassIO:/mnt/dietpi_userdata/pywws-weather/www# systemctl
-bash: systemctl: command not found
root@DietPi-HassIO:/mnt/dietpi_userdata/pywws-weather/www# /usr/bin/htop
-bash: /usr/bin/htop: Input/output error
root@DietPi-HassIO:/mnt/dietpi_userdata/pywws-weather/www# reboot now
-bash: reboot: command not found

All I can do is unplug.

If you connect via SSH you can run “hassio homeassistant check” OR “hassio ha check” to do this

That wouldn’t be a problem with hassio though. If you have no access to system commands on DietPi, most likely you /usr/bin or /usr/sbin directories are corrupted (or some other low level error). There’s no way for hassio to remove or modify base system commands (except for running on hassos).

Are you running on a SD card?

Oh yeah, I do that from time to time but I understood that @cgtobi does it after an update and before a reboot, which is not possible in my case afaik.

Pardon my perhaps banal question, but how can I check the HA configuration in advance for a Docker installation on a Sonology DiskStation?
I only know the option via the GUI.
-> Settings -> Server Control -> Check Configuration

@ludeeus just a little info. It is 8 % of men that are color blind

Connect to inside the docker or the base system? Basically no commands work by SSHing into the base OS. Web GUI is dead.

All I can see is that the containers are running away.

Works fine after a reboot

No rootfs is on an SSD - only boot is on the SD Card.

You need to look in the supervisor logs on the Supervisor/System tab.

If they are unkonwn, you need to check the configuration for the integration that creates those device trackers.

A TLA typo on my behalf :see_no_evil: should be SSH not SSL (edited original now)

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I knew what you meant :grinning:.

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Given the recent re-branding strategy, where hass.io is now called Home Assistant, I wonder how that command will look like in the future?

This would be fun:

ha ha check

Could you tell me where this log is stored please? I’d like to look back - thanks.