0.105: Safe mode, Headers & Footers, New Zones Editor, Garmin, Sighthound

I would always do the Supervisor first as that the Heart of the system

i have noticed that webhooks do not work anymore , in the release notes this was under netatmo. Are the web hooks globally removed ?? mine are not working , and if so why it is listed under netatmo?

I’m using webhook triggers without issue.

interesting , very weird , this started happening after i upgraded. thank for letting me know that yours work , have you updated to 105.3 ?

No, on 105.2

Netatmo webhooks were removed temporarily.

Excellent explanation! Thank you!

Now it makes sense to me and yes, you identified the part that tripped me up.

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I’ve put a my HA logs in the github issue. Hopefully that helps.

I am still at 0.104.3 but since a few days I have the following error.

2020-02-11 22:56:28 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.system_health] Error fetching info
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/system_health/__init__.py", line 44, in _info_wrapper
    return await info_callback(hass)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/lovelace/__init__.py", line 235, in system_health_info
    return await hass.data[DOMAIN].async_get_info()
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/lovelace/__init__.py", line 140, in async_get_info
    return _config_info("yaml", config)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/lovelace/__init__.py", line 242, in _config_info
    "resources": len(config.get("resources", [])),
TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()

Do you have an idea what this can be?

Start a new topic please, nothing to do with this thread.

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Sorry, thought there might be a connection with the Hass.io update introduced with this version.

Hi freekeys

I’m also having issues with the MiFlora integration, worked great at 104, but suddenly stops working at 105.


Spotify integration seems to take a lot of time (compared to before) to refresh : When you click on play on a spotify client, it display the informations on home assistant 25 seconds after (before it was something like 2 seconds).

Is it going to be better in the future?

edit: To complete : when you make an action on spotify on home hassistant it triggers a refresh. For example I press next song button on my windows spotify client, nothing is refreshed on home assistant and if I change the volume on home assistant everything is refreshed instantly.

Hey folks. Since the move to 0.105, I’ve started being prompted for separate updates to Home Assistant and HassOS. On another (potentially related note), my disk space usage has ballooned from just over 30% to 72%. I don’t know the cause, but it has jumped substantially on each of the last two updates.

I’m just running a tiny 8 GB SD card, but it hasn’t been an issue until now. Has anyone else experienced this?

Has anyone got this google assistant working again? I deleted my setup from the configuration.yaml, restarted but google assistant still says "Sorry, something went wrong while syncing XXX and Samsung Smart Home.
Will just have to revert back to an older snapshot and wait a few versions before trying to upgrade again.
At least I would expect the developers to explain what needs to be changed before they break things and not just link to https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/google_assistant/ a page which does not explain the breakage they created. Not everyone has hours of time to fix things which were working perfectly before. I appreciate the time the developers put in to improve the system but they also need to consider the 100’s or 1000’s of hours the community have to spend to deal with the bugs they releasing.

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OMG really? Why don’t you use somerhing Else then? Sometimes stuff need to be changed, cause it can be changed on other side too

Don’t update if you don’t need to. :man_shrugging: No one is forcing you to.

Also, if you want to read up on the breaking changes, click the link to the PR. Not the link to the docs. The docs will always be current. The PR will explain the reason for the change and typically what is changing.


Can the feature below be more generalized?

In generated mode, entities that start with the name of the area or group they are in will be shown without the name of the area or group. So if you have a light named “Living room lights” that is in the area “Living room” they will be shown as “lights” in a card with the header “Living room”.

  1. Have an option in the card editor to opt-in or opt-out whether you want to truncate the title of a card from entity names. For example, I have a Cyberpower card where it’d be useful for the frontend to truncate ‘Cyberpower 1500PFCLCD’ from the entity names.



  1. Let users define a list of keywords in the customizations section to omit from entity names.
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It should in the ideal world but it is not always the case.

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It should be if the Dev who made any PR follows the rules by changing the accompanying docs. It’s a check requirement whenever making a PR. But people lie or forget.