0.105: Safe mode, Headers & Footers, New Zones Editor, Garmin, Sighthound

Hi, I need to update the Google Assistnat integration (some commands that were previously working they do not work anymore) and I am scared to unlink and relink (in the past had lots of problem with it). By reading it seems that this upgrade (I already upgraded to 105.4) gives problems .

The below is my WORKING configuration also in 105.4. If I unlink and relink do I have to change it as per your example?

  project_id: hassio2019-9
  service_account: !include google-home.json
  # api_key: !secret google_api_key
  expose_by_default: false
  secure_devices_pin: "0"
     #  all the exposed entities

        expose: true
        room: Garden
          - Cancello anteriore
          - Front gate

take your first alias and add it as the exposed name

     #  all the exposed entities

        expose: true
        room: Garden
        name: Cancello anteriore
          - Cancello anteriore
          - Front gate

That’s what is highlighted in the breaking change. It states that exposed entities no longer take the first alias, they now use the exposed name. You didn’t define a name, so it’s going to use the friendly name for the cover.cancello12, unless you add name to it. To get past behavior, it’s implied that you change the name to the first alias.

Ok will do that.

On other note, is the rest ok? service_account … I see some people do not have it? BTW I do not have HASS cloud

too bad … I was used to give two names one in English and one in Italian, since in the family we speak both languages, I guess now is not possible anymore?

Also I was used to call a device in mutiple names since it is more natural

Guest room TV
Panasonic TV

all for the same device … so this is not possible anymore? If not I wish to complain :smiley: and ask to bring the previous functionality back

Oh I dont know. I don’t have google assistant. I just read the PR. I would assume the aliases will still work.

Still possible , aliases are still working

Well I haven’t made all tests but the below code is not working anymore when I say

“Ok Google turn on the Television”

Before 105, was working beautifully

this is the code of google_assistant.yaml

        expose: true
        name: Guest room tv
          - Television
          - Panasonic TV

and this the switch template

  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('media_player.yamaha_receiver', 'on')  }}" 
        friendly_name: "Guest room TV"
          service: script.turn_on
            entity_id: script.guest_room_tv_on
          service: script.turn_on
            entity_id: script.guest_room_tv_off

and this is the script

  alias: guest_room_tv_on
  - entity_id: switch.guest_room_tv_power_plug
    service: switch.turn_on
  - delay: 300ms
  - entity_id: media_player.yamaha_receiver
    service: media_player.turn_on
  - data:
      source: Shield
    entity_id: media_player.yamaha_receiver
    service: media_player.select_source
  - entity_id: switch.panasonic_tv
    service: switch.turn_on
  alias: guest_room_tv_off
  - entity_id: switch.panasonic_tv
    service: switch.turn_off
  - delay: 300ms
  - entity_id: media_player.yamaha_receiver
    service: media_player.turn_off
  - delay: 300ms
  - entity_id: switch.guest_room_tv_power_plug
    service: switch.turn_off

Did you get an answer to groups with presense detection?
I didn’t see anything come back regarding this.

Not sure what you are asking, I didn’t have a question about them. Was just saying that’s still a valid use case for them

I never used the Alias but I always used the Name.

So I decided to make an experiment.

I have a cover called Both Blinds (which is actually a cover group of a left and right blind)

I tried to add an alias called “Rubber Duck”

      name: Both Blinds
        - 'Rubber Duck'

Once I have saved, restarted Home Assistant, synced devices from the Cloud integration - I see no Rubber Duck anywhere. It is invisible in HA. It is invisible in the Google Home app.

But it works. “Set the Rubber Duck to 50%” the I get the reply “Opening Both Blinds to 50 %” and they happily turn to 50%

So it seems to work. It is just that after the change you must have a name defined. It will not default the name to the first alias. And from the release note, it seems that it was already broken because Google changed something, and then the devs fixed it. It also makes sense that you define a name and then you define additional aliases. That is why I added a name in my yaml even without using aliases.

i always had defined a name, also before the breaking change
also my first alias was also the name
i have no issues here with name + alias to google assistant, also my covers are visible in the home app

Same thing you have to change the name to Television or say “Hey Google, turn on the guest room tv”

Honestly it’s far far far easier to not use aliases via Home Assistant and set nicknames via the Google Home app for devices.

nicknames/routines is not available in each country … thats why we use aliasses :slight_smile:

Ah I thought Google released the nicknames bit world wide already, my mistake.

not 100% sure; routines is not world wide
not sure with nicknames though? but nicknames is only to change the name of de device? so still only 1 name? thats not an alias …

Well I call my receiver “receiver” I don’t call it anything else :stuck_out_tongue:

no , for serveral exposed devices, i have setup multiple aliass
indeed for my receiver, i can say like hey google:
music on , radio on, speaker on, receiver on , … those are aliasses, and also in different langauges

Yeah but what about your wife or guests? The shit I’ve heard… I had to make so many special cases for Alexa to handle tech illiterate people.

Example: My mother:

Alexa, could you kindly turn on the lights located in the kitchen, please?


I tell them if they don’t know how to talk to the device correctly don’t talk to it at all :wink:

My wife knows how to use the tech properly so I don’t have to worry about that. :slight_smile:

My parents are trained properly they say “Hey google, turn off the living room lights” or “…set the receiver to XX%” etc.

I did that too, and now I am the only one using it :smiley:
and that means that I am the only one turning off the lights now, the rest of the family does not bother

hope it will change