0.105: Safe mode, Headers & Footers, New Zones Editor, Garmin, Sighthound

No worries. It’s new.

Hey got it working (I think there is a line that needs to be removed) by changing the config to the following:

  project_id: home-assistant-75f93
    - switch
    - light
    - cover
    - group
    - scene
  expose_by_default: true

I hope that helps!

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It did! I removed the API key I had defined and added the expose_by_default: true. Thanks for posting the solution!

Please stop upgrading!! My Amcrest cameras stopped recording on motions, Icons stopped changing colors on switches, Lyric Thermostat stop responding to temperature changes requests. IF IT’S NOT BROKE DON’T FIX IT!!

nobody is forcing you to upgrade. Having said that, thank you for participating in the test phase of home assistant.

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Really that is your reply to real issues!!

If you had real issues I assume you would post a full report with logs and other debugging info, rather than a SHOUTY rant.

That is expected, and fixable if you read the thread.

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Thanks to all the devs for the hard work which is making Home Assistant a great platform. The pace of progress is impressive.

I’ve got some issues with 105.4 (just updated from 104) - several parts display an error message “Error while loading page service” in the UI when I try to use them, followed by the spinning symbol. This is happening with History and Logs from the side bar, and in Developer Tools the following give the same error: Services, Template, and MQTT.

I’m running Home Assistant in Docker on a NUC8i5. Can’t see anything at all in the log since I updated, it looks like it’s not working. Tried restarting HA a few times but no differences.

Anyone else having the same issues? How to diagnose/fix this?

Sounds like front end not running. Could be because you have old javascript cached. Try control-F5 each time you see a problem. On any website. In most webbrowsers control-F5 reloads the page incl all images and scripts

Thanks Kenneth for quick reply, I’ll give that a try.

EDIT: worked perfectly, thanks so much! (I only needed to do ctrl-F5 once, it sorted everything out) :smiley:

guys, with 105.x , how can you notice there is an update for an add-on?
i just notice a new update tor the samba addon
but i needed to ckick the add-on to actually see there was an update?
before 104.x and lower , this was more visible

When an update is available u will see a line on top

Hmm, I don’t see that line with my theme :wink:

Can this be made as a toggle or an option when setting up the map? I have a map on my kiosk screen that appears if anyone is not home. It shows them as well as the home zone, to show how far away they are. Now that the zones are not automatically fit to the screen, it has now become useless as it just follows them super close, and doesn’t provide any context. (there is no input on this screen, so I can’t zoom out manually).


I made a feature request regarding this:

I think having it take the zone radius into account when fitting the map to the entities would be a good compromise between fitting just entities and fitting entities and zones.

I did click on #30799 previously but there is no useful info about Google Assistant on that linked page that’s why I looked in the docs.

So does anyone have a correct link to the updated doc or github page explaining how to get Google Assistant working again after this update?

If you continued to read this thread, you’d see that @KennethLavrsen found an issue with the breaking change docs.

So the link with the information is Fix device name Google Assistant when using aliases by frenck · Pull Request #31416 · home-assistant/core · GitHub.

Thanks for pointing this out, I’ll give it a try.

I still think there should be a note at the top of the doc pages if there is a breaking change instead letting people follow outdated instructions.

It was a typo. Not outdated instructions. A mistake. Sorry that this cause so much trauma for you.

speak for yourself :smile:

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