0.106.3: Coronavirus integration (COVID-19), track the outbreak

Sometimes life can be that easy :slight_smile:

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How often does this update ?

Seen that UK has updated the figures and mine is still on 40.

I dont expect realtime but just wondering so I know its working ?



Guys how can get the countries that are not on the list. Looking for South Africa??

I added it last night, and it was accurate but something seems off on the data today.

Digging into the graph more closely for one of them it looks like it got the wrong data today?

So I guess this means one of two things:

  1. Data problem
  2. Start of the zombie apocalypse
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Found some inconsistencies in the data. The sensor data for my country (Finland) is not in line with what is on the site (https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6)

The same for Sweden. Cannot say some inconsistency though.
According to the source, there are 21 confirmed cases (24 according to the local sources) whereas the component shows 172.

Nice post, though not sure how many physicians are here, so a lay language summary might be appropriate :wink:

Seems to be more stable compared to influenza virus.

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I do not mind this integration. I have my 87 year old mother regularly at my home…this virus is potentially deadly for her.

Anyway, looks like the data is not very accurate…or we have an explosion of new cases in Sweden and Estonia:-)

AFAIK the data are the official country healthcare system communicating them to WHO. This is the blog entry describing their data sources -> https://systems.jhu.edu/research/public-health/ncov/

My biggest problem is a lousy grasp of English :slight_smile: but yes also my wife often says I am not clear when I speak :wink:
I do not have specific data on the mutation rate of this virus but I am under the impression its a fast changing beast for two main reasons:
a) common cold viruses do mutate fast
b) there is some evidence affected people that have recovered had a reinfection
Let’s see as slowly we get to know this beast better.

Sorry if I ask but are you sure you have the right sensors? My country’s numbers (Italy) do match the JH site and our national system numbers.
On the JH site I see 21 cases for Sweden (no deaths or recoveries yet) and 1 for Estonia.

The problem is not with the JH source (even though it’s a bit behind the officals) but with the component itself. I’ve updated from 0.106.3 to 0.106 4 and my Swedish sensors suddenly became Macedonian.
I had to re-add the component and now the sensor numbers are matching the source (21 Sweden).

This is not the sensor you are looking for waves hand


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Interesting why this comment was flagged? It’s an opinion that has a point. I understand that someone had a good intention creating this sensor and, perhaps, it is interesting to see this information, however, its value indeed questionable. The provided information is unreliable and pulled out of any context.

Unfortunately the integration doesn’t pop up when I search it…

How’s that possible?

edit: I had to update to the latest core

Worldwide Percentage Rates (using new intergration & template sensors). Save you the typing :slight_smile:


## Corona Virus Rates

  - platform: template
          friendly_name: Covid 19 Percent Recovered
          value_template: '{{ ((float(states.sensor.worldwide_coronavirus_recovered.state) / float(states.sensor.worldwide_coronavirus_confirmed.state)) * 100) | round(1) }}'
          unit_of_measurement: "%" 

  - platform: template
          friendly_name: Covid 19 Percent Infected
          value_template: '{{ ((float(states.sensor.worldwide_coronavirus_current.state) / float(states.sensor.worldwide_coronavirus_confirmed.state)) * 100) | round(1) }}'
          unit_of_measurement: "%" 

  - platform: template
          friendly_name: Covid 19 Percent Deceased
          value_template: '{{ ((float(states.sensor.worldwide_coronavirus_deaths.state) / float(states.sensor.worldwide_coronavirus_confirmed.state)) * 100) | round(1) }}'
          unit_of_measurement: "%"

And lovelace entries:

              - type: glance
                show_icon: true
                show_name: true
                show_state: true
                title: Worldwide Coronavirus Stats
                  - entity: sensor.covid_19_percentage_recovered
                    name: Recovered
                    icon: mdi:calendar-check-outline
                  - entity: sensor.covid_19_percentage_infected
                    name: Infected
                    icon: mdi:biohazard
                  - entity: sensor.covid_19_percentage_deceased
                    name: Deceased
                    icon: mdi:grave-stone

This is what the misconception is with the virus. Most people don’t actually know how deadly the season flu really is. I hear so many people each year saying they have the flu, when all they really have is the common cold instead or some other bacterial infection. If you get the flu you’ll mostly likely know about it - you’ll likely have a high fever and be exhausted for a week maybe more, even hallucinations.

The main issue with SRS-COV-2 is that it’s easier for it to spread. So for each person infected with it there will be more people that will then get infected off this one person than there would be if said person had the flu virus. And this way it increases the likelihood of immunocompromised and/or elderly people to get infected.

Fingers crossed it ends up mutating and killing itself off :crossed_fingers:

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Ah damn. I knew this day would come eventually. The custom tiles-card has not been maintained for 15 months and fails to work with 0.106 due to the changes.

My front-end uses this card. A lot. A real lot. e.g. just one view of many:

The only replacement that I know of, the custom button-card, is nowhere near as intuitive or efficient as it does not have a row /column layout built in. You have to use horizontal and vertical stacks.

Then there’s the depreciation of the toggle-lock-entity-row card to deal with too. Replacement with the restriction-card does not look as daunting a task. Guess I’ll start there but it looks like I won’t be updating for quite a while.

yes, I hear you. Had everything in the Tiles card…
But, since the Tiles card has been left swimming in the dark, we should have known/expected it to be obsolete any time soon. I’ve rebuilt everything some time ago to Button, and must say apart from the grid (which @Romrider has spoken of in the past) I don’t miss it anymore since Button card is so versatile these days…and keeps getting better.

and about the https://github.com/thomasloven/lovelace-toggle-lock-entity-row: Thomas has said he will keep it there… tested the restriction card, but opposed to some others, I like the toggle-lock better. easier.