0.106.3: Coronavirus integration (COVID-19), track the outbreak


In December 2019, an outbreak of a novel Coronavirus also called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), began in the Wuhan region of China. This virus can cause the COVID-19 disease.

This novel Coronavirus is spreading globally at a disturbing rate, which keeps everybody on top of the news. The media worldwide is covering the spread of the virus constantly, and a lot of people are tracking the number of cases in their country.

This special release adds the Coronavirus integration, allowing you to track the outbreak from within Home Assistant.

The Coronavirus integration

While having a meeting at Nabu Casa, we caught ourselves talking a lot about the state of the virus spreading in the countries we live in. Which brought us to the subject of being able to track the virus in Home Assistant itself.

So together, we started working on an integration right away. We decided to bring you a special release of Home Assistant that includes this integration.

The Coronavirus integration tracks the number of people that are confirmed with, recovered from, and deceased caused by the virus in your country, or worldwide.

The data is sourced from the Johns Hopkins University.

![](upload://mhmifQsxzA36M3AXBADcgsQ8f6i.png) Screenshot of the Coronavirus integration in Home Assistant.

Adding the Coronavirus integration

This integration can be configured via the Home Assistant frontend.

  • Go to Configuration -> Integrations.
  • Click on the + in the bottom right corner to add a new integration.
  • Search and select the Coronavirus integration form the list.
  • Follow the instruction on screen to add the sensors. Either choose for adding world-wide sensors, or a specific set of sensors for your country.

If you want to track both world-wide and one or more countries at the same time, you can repeat the configuration process described above to add multiple instances of the integration.


For the latest information about the Coronavirus, be sure check the website of the World Health Organization. The WHO provides good information on basic basic protective measures you can take against the new Coronavirus.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2020/03/02/release-106-3/

some might think, “why…”, but I believe this shows that the developers are also human and care :stuck_out_tongue:

well done on this integration! :slight_smile:


Nice, well done! :mask: :face_with_thermometer: :woozy_face:


Thank you for this integration… it is amazing how many awesome (and relevant) integrations exist for Home Assistant. Commercial automation controllers only wish that they could do things like this. Keep up the good work, and let’s pray that this bug starts losing ground now.

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I can’t see the option to have “Own Country” and “Worldwide” in the same HAS instance? Am I missing something?

Hey! we found a bug in our system. :smile:

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How do we get a card like in the screenshot of the post ?


OK, but can we keep this in perspective?? “According to new estimates published today, between 291,000 and 646,000 people worldwide die from seasonal influenza-related respiratory illnesses each year, higher than a previous estimate of 250,000 to 500,000 and based on a robust, multinational survey”. -CDC 2017


This. Exactly this. I don’t understand why this virus has gained such worldwide attention when an exponentially high number die each year from the “common” flu. I haven’t heard or read any explanation of the above, and it makes me feel as though I’ve missed a vital piece of information about the severity of Covid-19


Covid-19 is new… Wait until it becomes normalised. Some speculate that the flu deaths in Northern hemisphere in end 2019 might be undetected Covid-19. Basically it might have started before Wuhan.

Anyway, this is life. When we develop vaccine for Covid-19, will the anti-vaxxers take it ?

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Well, flu also infects tens of millions of people every year, exponentially higher than the current tens of thousands with coronavirus.

Coronavirus potentially has a higher mortality rate (or at least about the same), so if it’s not contained and goes on to infect a similar number of people as the flu then it will likely end up killing the same number or more than the flu.

Essentially, it has the potential to become like a second flu but possibly even worse. It’s not there yet, but it could get there.

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Screenshot YAML was created with:

show_icon: true
show_name: true
show_state: true
title: Worldwide
type: glance
  - entity: sensor.worldwide_confirmed
    icon: 'mdi:emoticon-neutral-outline'
    name: Confirmed
  - entity: sensor.worldwide_current
    icon: 'mdi:emoticon-frown-outline'
    name: Current
  - entity: sensor.worldwide_recovered
    icon: 'mdi:emoticon-happy-outline'
    name: Recovered
  - entity: sensor.worldwide_deaths
    icon: 'mdi:emoticon-dead-outline'
    name: Deaths

my two cents… this map from https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/coronavirus-map-cases-death-toll-global-uk/ is a good integration. it’s the only timeline animation that i found

. it’s updated regularly too.
Came from John Hopkins data

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Since the entities name for the integration does not include the Coronavirus name, will this integration work as an generic epidemic integration?

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You need to create a separate integration for each location (Worldwide or Country Specific).

It is 10x more likely that you will die if you catch it than season flu.

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Where do you put this YAML? I tried on GROUPS.yaml and it didn’t work… Does it go on the customize,yaml?


It’s a Lovelace glance card.

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If the country total is 1 (lucky so far) it should show 1 person not 1 people.

Please add Slovenia. Thanks

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