0.107: Multiple Lovelace Dashboards, adds helpers, new media player card

Hola a todos!! actualice y no arranco mas la interface grafica. Saben que puede ser?

Hi everyone!! update and no longer start the graphic interface. Do you know what can be?

Hi. update 0.107.6 to 0.107.7 no running web gui

Try from command line (ssh) ha host reboot. Wait between 5 and 10 minutes and hopefully it comes back up. You can also try ha host shutdown. Wait about 3 minutes, turn off and then back on. This what I have been doing on my pi 4. I also check the logs.

I’d actually suggest doing this the reverse way. Make the one you want your girlfriend to have be the default dashboard, and set yours manually.

Yep that’s the best way currently. You can also revert the permissions afterwards

first of all thanks for the awesome work as it’s the first time I post here.
Just wanted to mention that this issue broke my homeassistant when upgrading to 0.107.7 (Synology docker, Zwave):
After the upgrade ZWave didn’t start anymore (“Unavailable” nodes). Main error in the logs was “Failed to create HTTP server at port XXXX”. Finally saw that two python processes were running in the docker container.
The solution was to completely delete the docker container and recreate it from scratch, copying over the environment variables etc. Clearly not a painless upgrade.
Again the initial docker configuration was standard, I had not changed the execution path.
This should be at least mentioned in the release notes as a breaking change.
Thanks !

Show it be some “future” request to get the power button back? I like the new design but I’m missing this functionality.
Also must say that the design of rest lovelace cards do not match the media control card anymore. Hopefully, there will be some efforts to improve their design too.

anyone have issue on fresh android app installation ?

176.179.XX - - [27/Mar/2020:09:58:50 +0000] "GET /frontend_latest/core.019f4c68.js HTTP/1.1" 404 14 "https://XXXX/?external_auth=1" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; MI 9 Build/QQ2A.200305.003; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Mobile Safari/537.36"
176.179.XX - - [27/Mar/2020:09:58:50 +0000] "GET /frontend_latest/app.e0d83916.js HTTP/1.1" 404 14 "https://XXXXX/?external_auth=1" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; MI 9 Build/QQ2A.200305.003; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Mobile Safari/537.36"
176.179.XX - - [27/Mar/2020:09:58:50 +0000] "GET /frontend_latest/hass-icons.ffc99c98.js HTTP/1.1" 404 14 "https://XXX/?external_auth=1" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; MI 9 Build/QQ2A.200305.003; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Mobile Safari/537.36"
176.179.XX - - [27/Mar/2020:09:58:50 +0000] "POST /api/webhook/7XXXXXX1654c1348c1c6c3c838680eb HTTP/1.1" 200 2187 "-" "okhttp/4.2.2"

Thanks, I also found that I can hide views on a dashboard from users. so I’ll mix something up.

Android app is still working good here. Does the site load in chrome? Usually that error shows up when the server is not responding to the app. Hitting refresh on my end usually solves it.

Was working well on Every device.
I fix the issue. The Android app use HTPP and not HTTPS to load frontend core JS.
I fix the issue by configuring http-> https redirection on my reverse proxy

Hi All

The original API for coinmarketcap has been retired in favour of a new advanced api. Unfortunately this has broken the integration with coinmarketcap and requires some development effort to align the integration to the new api methods and specifically the need to have an authenticated login identity.

The issue has been raised on the home assistant github (https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/32551) 3 weeks ago with the release of version 0.107.0 but hasn’t had any traction.

I thought I’d list it here in case other users are experiencing problems and also to raise interest to get it resolved.


Hi, I’ve seen a big impact on performance on 0.107.0 from 0.106 on March 18th
I upgraded yesterday to 0.107.7 and it came back to previous situation

CPU was up to 10% baseline (antivirus on Synology is taking a hit every week for 3 days) instead on 5 to 6% usual. You can see the difference on this Grafana dashboard in the bottow left graph (Synology 916+ system usage). Temp took 5 to 10°C as a consequence.

(details: zoom on CPU performance metric)

No other changes in integration

So guy, thanks for the performance fix in 0.107.7: great job done!


upgrading from 0.106.6 to 0.107.7 cooked my z-wave setup. after a couple of reboots some of the devices were back on but still had a bunch of ‘unavailable’, while it seemed devices had connected but with the names removed.

Restoring 0.106.6 snapshot for now. Any plans to fix this issue? Seems that from previous posts I’m not the only one with dramas

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Currently at 107.6 and my upgrade to 107.7 fails. Have to power-cycle my Pi in order to get it back online.

The Check Home Assistant Configuration add-on shows the upgrade will fail. Along with a lot of information that I don’t understand it ends with:

Failed config
General Errors:
- Component error: zwave - Requirements for zwave not found: [‘homeassistant-pyozw==0.1.10’].

Successful config (partial)

I am on a NUC 107.5, don’t see update possibilities

Awesome Grafana Dashboard! Well done!

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The problem was that when I installed this the first time, the installation instructions recommended me to edit /etc/hosts and put a specific IP for registry-1.docker.io, when removing this entry in the hosts file, it all worked again.

Hi! In 2 new 0.107.7 installations on rpi4 i’ve created custom lovelace dashboard.
For ex: 001 with title 001 and 002 with title 002 and 003 with title 003.

The problem is that if i’m in the 003 view and click on 001 the title of panel 001 remains 003 …

How to solve???
Thanks a lot

Great update! Especially the multiple lovelace dashboards and the lovelace entities preview.

Would it be possible to reflect the dashboard title in the actual title on the right side?
