0.107 ZWave device_config_glob ignored entities

When upgrading to 0.107.5, the ZWave sensors that are ignored in configuration.yaml under device_config_glob still appears in Developer Tools - States even though they are at state ‘unavailable’.

  usb_path: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00
  device_config: !include zwave_device_config.yaml
      ignored: true
      ignored: true
      ignored: true
      ignored: true
      ignored: true
      ignored: true
      ignored: true

Previous to 0.107 i was not seeing these entities in the Developer Tools-States.

What is the correct way of removing these now on 0.107; under Configuration-Integrations-Zwave or Developer Tools-State-select entity-Remove Entity ?
