0.109 is incredibly fast

I would like to show my appreciation for the speed improvements in 0.109. I think going forward stability and performance should be focused on even more.

I mainly notice it on my tablet as it’s easily 3x faster and a joy to use.

The Home Assistant has a translations system, which is great since it allows one to use Home Assistant in the language one prefers.

However, it came with a performance penalty. All translations were downloaded each time. All of them. This is, of course, highly inefficient. With all the new frontend features added and the integrations that now comes to the UI, it slowly is becoming a bigger issue.

For this release, @balloob worked hard to make this more efficient and as of this release, the frontend will only fetch the translations it needs. This makes the frontend load less data, and thus lighter for the browser.


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0.109 is still in beta. Discussion and feedback should be done here: https://discord.gg/hhMMq8

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