0.109: New integrations page and weather card, frontend lost weight

Not all have reconfiguration options but some do, ie: Garbage Collection (3rd party), Plex (official), NUT (official) all have various forms of reconfiguration available.

Thank you very much for sharing, I hope it will inspire concerned wheater-forecast mastermindsā€¦

It seems like there is some work in progress, though, if you really want the dev to hear you, Iā€™d recommend to reach them here.

Mqtt is adjustable too.

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Anyone else feel the Home-Assistant project is become more for avg users vs power users? I see multiple deprecationā€™s above for stating something like

Plex via YAML is now deprecated and will be removed in Home Assistant Core 0.111. Configuration is now done through the UI.-

National Weather Service (NWS) - YAML configuration is no longer supported for NWS integration, configuration is now done through the UI.

I do not want to configure anything via the UI. If this is fact the direction of the project does anyone know of other FOSS home automation applications I should look into?

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It is the direction of the project for a certain class of integrations (which happens to be a very comprehensive class). I donā€™t think thatā€™s sufficient reason to look past all of Home Assistantā€™s other strengths and choose another project, but I respect your decision.

openHAB has been around for 10 years so you may wish to try it. However, its integrations (called bindings) are a mix of version 1 (text-based configuration) and version 2 (UI-based configuration). Most available bindings are version 2. Version 3 is in development.

There are other projects (Domoticz, iobroker, etc) but Iā€™m unfamiliar with them. Good luck and I hope you find one that suits your needs.


I know people hate the GUI but I managed to create an automation using a device trigger and selecting the button press I wanted to react to. Super easy, works great.

Hi there, great looking weather, how do I implement this into HA, ie where does your file go and how do I get it active. Im still learning all this, Cheers

updated to 109.4 , i already had configured 2 synology systems with UI
now after reboot, they are discovered again ā€¦ while they are also configured yet

grr, i loved yaml method ā€¦ :slight_smile:

Can you post an example here how to do it?

And do you notice a delay between button presses and triggers? Iā€™m currently using the (now archived) custom integration ā€œHue remotes advancedā€ which has only a slight delay, but listening for hue_events in Home Assistant shows delays between 1-4 seconds.

I donā€™t think anyone hates the gui. A lot of people hates the fact that what is produces is not easily editable.

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I had the same. after configuration again it recognises that they are already configured

I can only say for myselfā€¦Yes I hate the GUI! Why? Because I was moving along on the bleeding edge (with the rest of you) just trying to keep up due to problems I had in the past when I stayed too long at a ā€˜safe pointā€™ in the releases (safe for my config that is). And right now I find myself at a place (two major releases behind) where I absolutely cannot go forward and yet I am stuck at a place which although it is working I would not hardly call it a safe point (for my config).

I will be investigating what is a suitable ā€˜safe pointā€™ release that fullfills MY immediate needs and I will be reconstructing my config (if that is required) to suit that ā€˜safe point releaseā€™ and from that point I really cannot see myself ever rejoining the party here.

The party here is going in a very bad direction (IMHO) which is leading to evermore changes to integrations just for the sake of change which inevitably leads to breaking previously solid integrations that required no changes (modbus for example).

So enjoy the party! Itā€™s been fun at times but it has also been one of the most frustrating experiences at times as well. I would never have stayed so long without the support of this wonderful community so thanks to you all for helping to pull me out of the shit when that was needed.

Good luck to those who remain on the bleeding edge I hope it works out well for you all and maybe in the end you will get to enjoy the final product you are looking for.


Iā€™ve raised it on Github https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/35231

when i restarted again, the discovered synologys were gone, seems i needed 2 restarts after update

Iā€™ve noticed that as well.
I also had mine discovered a second time (Synology)
So I didnā€™t configure a second time, removed the existing one, restarted HA, configured the discovered one and restarted again. All good.

Generally for integrations, whenever I add/remove I always restart.

seems just a second restart was enough, second boot, the discoverd devices were gone

The code I provide in the post is whole lovelace card config, so lets go to edit mode, add card, select manual configuration and paste whole code to editor. Then obviously you need to adjsut sensors names (though for DarkSky it should be standard) and config of your weather integration to match you location. Done :slight_smile:

I borrowed a bit of your code to see how it would look in one of my cards. Going to do the rest now. Thanks! (the house is cold because no one is home).

Screenshot_2020-05-05 Overview - Home Assistant

  - entity: input_select.lounge_ac_mode
    name: Lounge AC Mode
  - entity: input_select.rumpus_ac_mode
    name: Rumpus AC Mode
  - type: 'custom:bar-card'
      state: 'off'
    direction: up
      - entity: sensor.lounge_room_temperature
        name: Lounge
      - entity: sensor.rumpus_room_temperature
        name: Rumpus
      - entity: sensor.dining_room_temperature
        name: Dining
      - entity: sensor.master_bedroom_temperature
        name: M Bed
      - entity: sensor.spare_bedroom_temperature
        name: S Bed
    height: 60px
    max: '40'
      icon: 'off'
      indicator: inside
      minmax: 'off'
      title: 'off'
      value: outside
      name: outside
      - to: '17.9'
        from: '-10'
        color: '#039BE5'
      - color: '#0da035'
        from: '18'
        to: '24.9'
      - from: '25'
        to: '40'
        color: '#e45e65'
    style: |
      ha-card {
        box-shadow: none;
        --ha-card-background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)';
      color: var(--primary-text-color)
      text-shadow: none
    min: '-10'
    target: '21'
    columns: '5'
    width: 14px
show_header_toggle: false
style: |
  ha-card {
    border: solid 2px var(--primary-color);
title: Room Climate
type: entities

Is Google Cast solved already? upgrading from 108.x to 109.x has broken my Google Cast. I did entered it manually, but state is unavailable.

    - host:
    - host: