0.109: New integrations page and weather card, frontend lost weight

Thank you, thank you thank you for fixing the Toon integration, finally it seems to work.

Personally I just CTL-F (or Find in Page in mobile browser) and search for #.# - ie 9.6 and it takes me right to new release notes.

Not saying it wouldn’t be nice, but devs might have bigger :fish: to fry…

They have many bigger fish to fry.

But the anchor exists already and the destination of the button is customizable so this appears to just require a tiny change in practice, not any additional work.

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The Samsung TV integration via the UI has started working for me in the latest 109 release for the most part but after a few days of running smoothly it’ll start spamming my TV with permission requests every few seconds, I accept them and they just keep coming and coming. I remove and re-add the integration in HA to fix this temporarily but I can’t do that every 3-4 days! Anyone else?

Sure, if you are going from 0.109.5 to 0.109.6, you probably just need to see the 0.109.6 release notes. If you are going from 0.109.2 to 0.109.6 where should it point?

Yes, it’s a good question. Ideally to 0.109.3 but :man_shrugging:t2:

I say pointing it to 0.109.6 doesn’t make anyone worse off and does makes some people a tiny bit better off.

What if I am updating to from 0.104.x to 0.109.6? Ideally you need to read the release notes for 0.104.x+1, through.

It is not easy to cater to every use case.

Besides, major releases should be the only releases with breaking changes.

Yes I agree its not easy to cater for every use case. Catering for one (>0) would be good though.

I am currently running 108.6 on a NUC in Docker under Ubuntu. Previous upgrades have been seemless but now I am getting an error:

ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant] Error on call Cannot connect to host ssl:None [Connection refused]

The IP address is that of the hassio container gateway.

When I attempt to upgrade, it fails and reverts back to the old version.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

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Same issue here

it has been fixed since version 0.109.3

Not fixed for me, even after update to 0.109.6.
There is an opened issue #33119 that represents this issue pretty well.
I got these “ERROR:Dropping commands…” in my Z-wave log since a few versions already (around 0.105 or 0.107).

You are talking about a different issue than the person you are responding to.

Since last update I am not able to create a snapshot, I can press create but nothing happens. I can not find any snapshot activity in the logs! Any ideas?

I’m a little late to upgrade. However, I just moved to 109.6 and see this as well.

same error here

Sorry, is anybody found solution for HACS integration?

hacs: the ‘.translations’ directory has been moved, the new name is ‘translations’, starting with Home Assistant 0.111 your translations will no longer load if you do not move/rename this

update HACS

I can’t. Background task is running.

May be I can’t upgrade HACS because of those errors: