0.109: New integrations page and weather card, frontend lost weight

You could just press the “Reload” button on Supervisor page -> System tab. That will check for updates right away for Supervisor, Home Assistant Core, HassOS etc. No need to restart.

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I see I have problem with meross integration too.
I deleted and reinstall the integration, and although the switches working fine (in the begging the entities were not available) now I am getting the following errors

Log Details (WARNING)
Logger: homeassistant.helpers.translation
Source: helpers/translation.py:206
First occurred: 12:14:54 AM (8 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:14:54 AM

meross_cloud: the '.translations' directory has been moved, the new name is 'translations', starting with Home Assistant 0.111 your translations will no longer load if you do not move/rename this
Log Details (WARNING)
Logger: homeassistant.util.async_
Source: util/async_.py:120
First occurred: 12:14:42 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:14:42 AM

Detected I/O inside the event loop. This is causing stability issues. Please report issue to the custom component author for meross_cloud doing I/O at custom_components/meross_cloud/__init__.py, line 55: http_devices = http_client.list_devices()

These are both issues that the custom component author has to fix on their end. It looks like an issue was already opened for that on their repo.


ISY seems to have disappeared from the integrations. Where did it go? That was 90% of my HA

Given the theme in this thread so far, I am gonna guess probably a caching issue? :smiley:

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Do not remove it completely, only the line with purge_interval.

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I updated to 0.109 without issues. AND i notice that the frontend is loading much more faster, even logbook and history.

Thank you!

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I received the following error message when updating:
aiohomekit 0.2.37 has requirement zeroconf[ip]<0.25.0,>=0.24.4, but you’ll have zeroconf 0.25.0 which is incompatible.

However, everything seems to work. Is this a concern?

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So happy the transitions are back for scenes! I had coded more or less the same solution already, but couldn’t figure out how to test for it and had some bugs left :|.

Good catch!

I thought it was clear until I re-read the original post and realized “completely” could have referred to the entire recorder entry as opposed to the one option that has been deprecated (purge_interval).

So, yeah, remove purge_interval completely, not the entire recorder configuration completely.

Component error: isy994 - cannot import name ‘UNIT_UV_INDEX’ from ‘homeassistant.const’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/const.py)

Smooth update, no issues for me so far. Well done :+1:

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I think it isn’t great practice to say that some integrations, that had sitting as pull requests that were finished months (prior to the announcement) and were waiting review, have now been denied because they do not meet the new standard and use the config event though they would still be compatible.

I it would be better to allow the existing ones through and make this a requirement for new pull requests.

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Totally agree

blank integrations

Errm, 0.109 did this to me. What’s happened?
The first blank is actually the favicon integration.
What is the semi-blank configuration.yaml entry about?

A refesh of the page gave me the new layout and favicon got its name back - so ignore that bit,
but still what is the configuration.yaml entry in Integrations?

I had this issue with a the previous upgrade and Compact Header. It seems to have been related to conditional_styles. After I commented out all conditional_styles and cleared the cache it started behaving normally again.

… Great name was removed from DSM … now guess what happens when I have two NAS’ that I am monitoring where all sensors want to be called the same thing (for eg. synology_volume_used_volume_1)?..

This is the case for all ~70ish sensors … so are people expected to name them all by hand so that they know what device they belong to?

Since 109, under developer tools -> info, alexa is listed under the integrations. I don’t have alexa, so I wonder what pulls it in ?

Well, I am not convinced :slight_smile:

If I go directly to the integration page after starting the browser, integrations show.

But if I click on the arrow (in the red circle) and go back into integrations, this shows